Meandering thoughts on anarchy and life

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority

Let's be honest, we are in a state of deconstruction of society. Everything we have been trained to do, like go to college to get a good job that you retire in, and what-not is laughable now even though most of us still believed it 20 years ago. In less than a generation, the American Dream has imploded. Now with no real job security, and with a gig economy being used as fulltime employment, we have to admit that we are flying blind with no real direction. The gig economy is a bandaid.
I am sounding half cynical and half hopeful and that actually is where I am...honestly, I feel great about it. The gig economy is giving me some leeway and I really needed that. You can accomplish more when your not worried about working in an at will state.
I have traveled across country-really, i drove from Florida to California in a Hyundai Sonata :-) I have traveled a little and just enjoyed being in other places and it's opened my eyes. I don't have to do what I'm suppossed to do, I can just alter course and do something else.
I'm pretty sure where I want to end up, but this year, I've learned to start enjoying the journey. The gig economy, that could be beneficial for the next decade will ultimatly reconstruct our society for better or for worse. In the meantime, it's helping me learn about life and descovery. Working for an app has done more for my wellbeing in the past year than 2 degrees and a hell of a lot of student debt.

We are in a time when authority is being questioned and seems to be absent in many spheres of our country. I think we may already be in a time of anarchy. Rideshare companies scate the laws and make billions-they've become "the man". Healthcare which we've fought for and now realize is in fact a right, is still disputed. We live in a Oligarchy run be people who are eneimes of democracy and their pawns in congress who are stripping us of any and all rights. Through it all, I keep thinking of that old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." We are so there.

So...where do we go from here?

I will be honest and say I want a career, but right now the gig economy can help me" ride it out."

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