History's Largest Protest just took place.

Any question why you never heard about it?
Why Dan Rather didn't do a special report?

Get a clue, if you don't like the china social credit score now is the time to push back.

If you won't let them force you to take a shot, why do you let them force you to wear a mask?

Pick your side, and choose well.


History's Largest Protest Just Happened . . . and Farmers Led the Charge

November 25th marked the largest protest in human history — over ten times the size of demonstrations that erupted in the wake of George Floyd's murder at the hands of police.

During a 24-hour general strike across India, more than 250 million marched in solidarity with the country's long-suffering farmers.
"Colonial-induced famines . . . oppressive government policy, exploitation by feudal-minded landholders, and, of course, climate change have continually left India’s land workers among the worst off the world over," writes Nitish Pahwa for Slate.
Not to mention the apocalyptic swarms of locusts that ravaged crops this summer.



Keepers of Mindscape

Do we still have it?
Can we invent new aesthetics, design sustainable products and rid our cities of waste . . . cultivate new sensibilities for our post-materialist age?

There are hints of this new aesthetic in Kenya Hara’s Designing Design when he talks about “a future without artifice,” “whispered value systems” and creating “vehicles of thought and feeling.”
He says products are supposed to inspire “acceptance” not “appetite” . . . that the appropriate response to a product is “This will do,” not “This is what I want.”

And there are clues to it in Jean-Marie Massaud’s mission to create “a new art de vivre,” and examples of it in Banksy’s (and other street artists’) heady mix of politics, design and the intimacies of everyday life.

Our century will be a time of monumental ideological clashes, paradigm shifts and metamemetic insurgencies on multiple fronts.
We artists and designers must be the advance guards - positioning ourselves at the forefront of every struggle and debate.

Just as farmers are the keepers of land, we are the keepers of mindscape.
We must nurture it and care for it and make sure there will always be wilderness, diversity and freedom there.

Link this.


Adbusters #152

The Big Ideas of 2025

Our 200-page year-end issue offers a new tone, a new aesthetic, a new structure of feeling for the 21st century.
A must-read for writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians and creative people of all stripes.

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