Graphic Agitation Contest!!

Get your ridicule and graphic agitprop to hand, it is time to push back against those that control others with violence.

If you or me want to rule the world, we got to offer a better deal.
If we take over by violence we are the new boss, probably worse than the old boss.


Attention all visual artists!

Give yourself a break from kissing corporate ass!
Send us your most inspired spoof ads, cartoons, posters, video mindbombs, brand-bustings, logo-fucks, situ-styledetournements and assorted tinkerings with the soft insides of the capitalist doomsday machine.

Send your best stuff to:

Peaceful protests don't change things, if they did change things the control freaks would declare them illegal.

Ridicule is our most potent weapon.
If they outlaw that, it is simply our own fault.

Clown the system while you still can!

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