Dear Socialists

Dear Socialists,

I’m a Libertarian and this paper will describe how we can be good friends and agree. There are a few pairs that you don’t put in a room together. A gorilla and a human baby. A man smoking a cigarette and a gasoline waterfall. A Socialist and a Libertarian. All of these scenarios end up with disaster, horror, and confusion. Until now.

Why we don’t get along.


Socialists: “There is no reason in our current world of technology and massive wealth for people to suffer. Children should not go hungry. We have the means to not let people suffer, thus it is immoral to let people suffer.”

Libertarians: “All men and women by default should have freedom. The government is historically violent, cruel, and not to be trusted. To know that the government is as harmful it is, it is immoral to increase the government's power over innocent people.”

No one actually wants for starving children to starve. No one wants to see the elderly dying in misery. However, Socialism REQUIRES BY DEFINITION giving the government more power over the people. To a Libertarian, this is the government using force to take away our stuff, and then turn around and demand that we perform like circus monkeys to get it back. Hang in there, Socialists, good news is coming.

Where I think we can agree.

We want for people to be able to live in freedom in their pursuit of happiness. We want prosperity for everyone that also wants prosperity. We want for people to get the basics required for life while also not suffering under tyranny. We both want Adam Kokesh to win the 2020 presidency.

You see, the federal government is only a cruel, violent, and irresponsible monster because it is left unchallenged. Sure, we can change out who drives the car every four years, but the car and the roads don’t change. Everyone and every level of government must bow to the whims of this monster or else “force” will be administered until compliance is achieved. We know that we can’t grab our muskets and take down the federal government either. Those days are gone. So if we are to remove the federal government, we have to do it legally. When Adam Kokesh wins the presidency in 2020, he will dismantle the federal government.

But what about the social safety net?! If Adam Kokesh dissolves the federal government, then there will be no federal government to send out the checks that take care of people! That’s absolutely true… BUT… you’ll have something even better. You see, our federal government takes our money in the form of taxes and spends it like this:


There is massive waste. Our federal government tells us that it can’t afford social security (a tale for another day) or food stamps. In the next breath, it tells us that the pentagon lost trillions of dollars. Do you see the problem here?

Instead of an irresponsible monster lining its pockets with our money by force, “losing it”, and then increasing taxes… maybe we should get some accountability in there? I mean, do you know the 1-800 number to call to demand an answer when food stamps are cut or when the government loses money? Of course you don’t. At best you can attempt to sue the federal government. However, at state level, there could be. Imagine all of that money that the government takes and lines politicians pockets with actually going to help people. Imagine not funding wars and bases all over the world, but taking care of the homeless. We have enough money going to the federal government to take care of everyone on earth several times over.

You see, you can’t want to have our federal government AND want to take care of everyone because once a government is corrupt, it won’t give out money like it should. If you don’t believe me, go find a cartel. Tell it that you will give them money if they help you and your community. They will probably take your money. Unfortunately, due to their corruption, they will threaten you if you stop giving them money, hurt you and your community, and swindle most of your money to their friends. Just like the federal government does.

When there are smaller governments such as your state and your community, there is a LOT more clarity where your money goes. You get to control where your money goes. The best part is, if you don’t like how a small government is handling business, you can do something about it. If you should so much as sniff corruption, a court case opens up and a politician faces a real possibility of going to jail. (Not a job corrupt people will want anymore.) If for whatever that doesn’t work and you find yourself in a community that doesn’t believe in spending the money the way you do… move to another state! Vote with your feet! If you find yourself in a racist community, go move somewhere that carries your ideals. Since most people will leave, that racist state will run out of money and collapse so a new government can compete and take it’s place.

With Adam Kokesh you can have everything that you want. There is no reason to force anything on anyone and no reason for anyone to force anything on you. You will be in a world that takes care of each other yet also lives in freedom. You can have your cake and eat it too. Join me in helping Kokesh fire himself in 2020 so that we can evolve into exactly the kind of world you dream of.

-Michael P. Wood @iamthenerd (Technology Director)

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