Radically Unionizing Technological Companies: The Most Efficient Path to Global Anarchism

Anarchism is the political-economic philosophy and practice which that holds that states, the gang-like monolith of a particular society that uses force over a collection of individuals, and a class-hierarchy of society that states uphold, is unnecessary and harmful to the peaceful organization of those individuals and different societies to higher orders and collective efforts. It holds that collective organization can be superiorly and most efficiently achieved through the enlightened culture of cooperative, spontaneous order, and respect for occupancy and use property rights. It is necessary that humanity take control of its technological future, its livelihood, and collective possibility, by considering the anarchist philosophy and practice and its relation to organizing radical socialist unions in the heart of technological companies, including Google, military organizations, Intel, Microsoft, and Amazon. The naivety and ignorance of the proletariat and small artisans to the possibility of extinction by artificial intelligence and the general advancement of intelligent machinery through conduits like automation is unfortunate and a limiting perspective of the possibilities, both seen and unforeseen, of a shared collective technological future that benefits of all of humankind, not just the bourgeoisie and the ruling classes. The bourgeoisie and the ruling classes in capitalist society, without the intervention of radical unionization and the expropriation of the means of production of technological companies by the proletariat, would use their ownership of those companies to gamble the future of the human species through their selfish power schemes and exploitation, a gamble which they'll lose either through their very technology taking power through unforeseen advancement or through a mishap which will cause serious damage due to cutting safety-regulation corners for profit. Please consider the following practicality, which I'll post on Steemit.

In addition to a general strategy which the proletariat should educate themselves in and apply through studying anarchist and radical socialist literature, both ideological and practical, past and current, they should should make themselves aware of particularly practical possibilities that could produce a significant effect anyway. The recent creation of giant technological capitalist corporations like Google and Microsoft, etc., presents the possibility of the working class to use the global political and economic advancement of these organizations and their related branches of creation to take as much control as these new capitalist adherents of the means of production as they are. A new avenue of ownership has been opened up to the proletariat for their collective, and necessary, organization. I urge every anarchist and every class conscious individual to go directly to these technological companies, safely of course, and distribute pamphlets, give out flyers, and initiate conversation with the workers detailing organizing possibilities, a great examples being the Amazon Worker's Voice headed by the World Socialist Web Site and the past collectivization of factories by the spanish anarchists during their civil war in the 1930's. This is part of the realistic path of dedicated anarchists and radical socialists. From this new avenue of awareness, we could enjoy the recruitment of new individuals, their ideas and energy, and could strengthen our general momentum and projection towards taking over the means of production in other areas of our society and the world.

We can have a glorious future for all with the liberation of technology through proletariat ownership through consensus worker's councils and so forth. Many forms of oppression would be eliminated, the bossing system, currency, state punishment, nefarious control of language, land regulation, credit, transportation, the abolition of taxation, compulsory indoctrination through "schooling", privileged methodologies and bullying, the culture of greed and exploitation, and the concept of localism wherein exploitative sloanian factory systems that limit individual mobility and creation would be replaced by freedom from work by automation. We would be free to travel, principally have leisure time, to create harmonious relations and cooperation based on gift giving and sharing, rather than competing for resources in an exploitative way. The future could be a heaven on earth if we choice to fight for it. The future of the human species is for the people, they have nothing to lose but their chains.

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