Response to A "Letter" Addressed to Antifa/Anarcho-Communists

Somebody posted a copy-paste of an article/letter to antifa which I was going to respond to there, but figured these are common questions amongst people who do not understand antifa, anarcho-communism, etc, which fits perfectly up with most people on here.
So why not make a post about it?
This is a response to: This which was brought to my attention by this post by @wimpiam

It is my understanding you are an Anarcho-Communist organization that opposes fascism. How does that work exactly? Are not those two things one in the same?

Fascism in the literal since is state-ran private industries, essentially state capitalism. This is why many of us refer to the current system and it's supporters as fascists, or "corporate-fascists" to clarify the position.
What also comes with fascism however is typically (really always) extreme nationalism and thus typically discrimination against others who you believe do not fit in the country you are nationalistic to.

Anarcho-Communism is stateless and leaderless, it's essentially a decentralized network of different communities that can choose to band to together for common goals and mutual aide, where each individual simply does what they enjoy and lives a good life, or what is needed and lives a slightly better life, or if they have the fortune of inventing something, maybe even a luxurious life, but not because they used their advantage or luck to exploit, but rather because society appreciates their contribution.
Everything from where you work to where you live to who you listen to or associate with is voluntary, and thus it resembles nothing of fascism, especially because fundementally there is no division between land, origin, color, gender, or anything else. You're an abstract human/person, nothing else.

What is the difference between Anarcho-Communism and Communism?

Anarcho-Communism is how I described above.
Communism in the literal since is basically what I said above, and the anarcho part is more to clarify, but so-called "communism" from the Soviet Union resembled more fascist policies than communist ones.
The soviet union was basically Nazi Germany 2.0 once Stalin was in, which is why they were so hostile and backstabby to each other. They were both fascist more or less, as they operated as such, it's just the Soviet chose to say (but not behave) like everybody is welcomed, while Hitler did the complete opposite and blamed the Jews.

The difference between the Soviet-Communism and Anarcho-Communism is that there are no rulers, leaders, central authority or state, or anything of the such. Things are done locally as a community.
Essentially instead of a pyramid where the top speaks to the bottom, the bottom speaks/commands the top.

You claim to be justified in assaulting individuals because they are Nazis, yet it seems everyone you disagree with is a Nazi. Is anything you justify OK? What is the limit?

The NAP states essentially if someone is the aggressor, the abuser, etc, and is violating and hurting you and others, then self-defense is appropriate be it from yourself or another.
The right blames immigrants and refugees often, blindly, and blanket-like, not to mention promotes capitalism and extremely idiotic policies.
They're literal fascists or fascist-supports, even if they don't know it, as the USA for example is ran by an elite ring of rich corporates that dictate and control everything in politics and the government. That's essentially fascism with the face of "democracy."

Because there is no rational way to deal with someone like that, as they and their position is inherently irrational and hateful, violence and/or terrorism is the only way to solve this issue. Here's a post I did a little over a week ago talking about if Terrorism is really a bad thing, if you want to complain about that, check it out first.

struggling in a country still recovering financially from war.

What the fuck are you talking about? The USA and western powers run off war. That's why the US is always at war.
That's why we want to smash the state and burn those corporate motherfuckers alive.
500 -> 1000billion dollars spent on useless weapons and disgusting conservatives, all to funnel into that ring of corporates, from our taxes.
No, we did not consent to it, nor would we have put our money there.
Instead they could have paid for college education (bachelor's) for every single child in America for about $20-40 billion a year.
Instead they could have eliminated homelessness and poverty in the country for around 6-10billion, and made that good quality of life for 20billion a year.
Instead they could have built some motherfucking public transport or bicycles paths.
Instead they could upgrade every motherfucking car in this country to a Tesla or similar and dump the gas entirely for that budget in not even two years.

Sorry but you've lost your fucking mind if you think people in the west struggle because of war, that has nothing to do with it. Why people struggle is because the system is fucked and to make it worse every 5-10years it blows up because the elite over-exploit things and create a bubble.

muh property

It doesn't matter if the public pays for it as that money would have been wasted on war, the police, or some other useless garbage anyways.
Besides, rarely is something destroyed that's truly public. Nobody gets angle-grinders and fucks up benches.

Still raw and unedited, just saying it how it is.
Sources for the photographs used in which are not explicitly open for use or personally done:

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