The Anarchist's Anthology of Quotations: Vol 1


I aim to engage in discourse with these popular quotes of Anarchism. Mostly because of my passion for Anarchy and what it truly stands for. Partly too for a delusion that I have, that I'm somehow discussing with these great minds to further my own understanding. Below each picture I will include the thoughts I have on each quote, strictly for your displeasure.


To me, Anarchism is in everything I do or will do. I've truly tried to keep in tact my free spirit throughout all of the trials and tribulations I've faced. Literally and figuratively, so to speak. All of things I've done or will do is for my being and those whom I care for. I put aside what I think God has had in store for me or what the State imposes on me. They both are irrelevant in when it comes to what matters to me.


"Ghandi, an Anarchist?" You might be thinking...Do you really think a spiritual and holy man would be a Statist?

Notice how he said that, "the State is a soulless machine" and he's very much right. It has no regard for what is right or wrong but to only what serves it's purpose. The State can't not be violent, that is the essence of it's coming into being. If you practice non-violence whatsoever you could not possibly align yourself with government.


I'm sure you've heard the term 'Freedom' many times but do you know what it means? "Of course, it means to be free!" You are 100% correct, it also has several other definitions. Such as, "the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action", "liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another", "the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous", "unrestricted use" and "a political right." Now by those definitions are you free? Anarchists, at all times, question is this in some way inhibiting my 'freedom'. It is that which we live by.


Anarchism encourages you to have power, you have to have it to practice it in the world. It is also which you can't exercise on others because that is against it's true meaning. All those Statist political ideologies want to force it's beliefs on you. "You're either this or that." No, you are you...that ideology is either this or that. When you embrace Anarchism you're exempting yourself from coercion of others.


History has shown us where our path truly lies, in self-governance. Those that are in power do not care to know how you're faring. They do not know what is best for you and never will. How could they? Until we abnegate the very idea that someone else knows what's best for us. Rulers will remain in power, instead of each and every person being a government in itself.

Has history not shown Religion and Government to be barbaric?

It's a perplexing notion isn't it? That Anarchism is harmony and order. And Government is interference and disorder. Which if you break them both, you'll see that is exactly what they are.


I bet back in the day when Byington said this, people were flabbergasted with the idea of a political science being opposed to government. "What? A political philosophy that opposes the very idea politics? My brain hurts hold on a second."


Emma, you have me at a loss of words. That's exactly what the philosophy of Anarchism is. Can someone edit Wikipedia so that this the definition?


I am only as free as the man standing next to me. That has to be a quote someone said and I'm merely repeating it. That was my initial thought, is it not true to heart though? This is one of the tenets of Anarchism and Voluntaryism.


Progress is to be made not stifled. Why do we insist on not trying new things socially? How about something with a little less government involvement.


Excellent point, I define a statist society where there is every possibility for coercive aggression against the person and property of each individual. I thought the State's mere existence was to protect my property? Interesting...


Now it makes sense...Playing off your fear like a preacher preaching hellfire and damnation. "Who's going to build the roads guys? need us!"


This is what I'll leave you with for now. You decide your own caption for this. I'm curious to hear what it is.

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