Destroy the Planet and its Living things at Your Peril

WARNING GRAPHIC PIC. Would anyone like some paua shells? They are useful for jewellery making, ashtrays and numerous other items. Well there are plenty dumped down at the Fernhill river and easy to tell that this person took their legal share, leaving plenty for everyone else and future generations. And here we are all wondering why there's barely a shellfish to find some days. Simple directions go down the path about 10 metres to the right, walk past the bags of nappies, broken computer screens, boxes of beer bottles, bags of plastic bottles and other rubbish. Then you will smell something, you are nearly there..... Its about a metre past the dead cow, and the dead goat and a hind (female deer), half a metre past what looks like a dog skull, another rotting goat and a fraction past the rotting stag carcass with ears and half a nose attached but all good the antlers have been cut off. The goat still has horns though! The pauas in the trees dumped to the right. Don't go to the river on the left as there's a huge boar that's partially gutted and has been dumped a few cm from the river, still has head, ribs etc........ The water was low today has been right up to the tree edge where the paua shells are and would have taken a lot more rubbish with it back into the river already! When the water comes up again it will cover all the dead bodies and the rubbish there now and take most if not all back into the water. And here we are again......wondering why our waters polluted, carrying disease and people are getting sick. Thumbs up to the person who went out to the bush, killed the stag, and a boar and dragged it all the way back to dump it next to the river edge! You're a legend!

All it takes for evil to prevail is good men to do nothing.

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