Anarchapulco 2018 - Where Anarchists Are The Majority.

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These Dash glasses were a hit. Thank you Chris.

Being a Puerto Rican, mostly vegan, Anarchist, Voluntaryist woman pretty much ensures I am always outnumbered (but never outgunned 😋)... except at this conference, where for the first time, I felt true kinship with people who believe in and live for freedom.

My partner has been to all but one of these conferences, and I never quite understood why he felt so strongly about going, until I experienced it for myself.

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Our Larken Rose cosplay. 😂😂😂😂

Being surrounded by people from various walks of life, who came together because of a shared set of principles, who are actively applying these principles, and want to learn how to apply those addictive.

Out here in the world, I am always a minority, and my philosophical and political views are hot buttons for a lot of people. The mere fact that with every breath I challenge the status quo, in addition to the fact that I don't often mince my words, seems to create conflict and anger among family and friends alike. I really do believe that how I walk through the world has caused people to distance themselves from me...and that's ok. I am not one for relationships solely based on genetics and tradition.

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End of the show. I post this pic here because this is pretty much how I felt the whole time I was at Anarchapulco. Just a bunch of strangers being happy and living life and wanting to learn and be better and embracing each other.

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A fan rocks the mic with Killah Priest at the Anarchapulco concert.

While it is naive and unrealistic to expect to agree with anyone on everything, I now know what it feels like to be around people to whom I don't need to constantly explain and convince that I am not a violent chaotic who wants to see the world burn. I now know what it feels like to not be alienated and rejected because I know that:

  • All interactions ahould be voluntary
  • No one is more qualified to rule over me than myself
  • Self defense is a natural right
  • Politicians are crooks
  • Military & police are not here for my protection
  • Taxation is theft
  • Statism is slavery

The list goes on but the point is that there was no head butting. No condecention and patronizing. No telling me to move to Somalia. There were a lot of conversations, suggestions, encouragement, hugs, open hearts, community...kinship.

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Jeffrey Tucker & I.

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Starr, Luis & I.

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Eric July & Kieran.

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Kieran & some folks at the conference.

I met so many people whose faces I had only seen online, and though I missed a few that I had hoped to at least say hi to - like Larken Rose, Derrick Broze, Carey Wedler, Sterlin Luxan, Adam Kokesh and the man that made this possible - Jeff Berwick, as soon as I stepped on to the Princess' Hotel lobby, I knew that my life, my world was about to grow the best possible way.

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Cody, Starr, Kieran & I at this amazing dinner spot by our AirBnB.

Next up: More Anarchapulco lol.

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