A Rallying Call to Arms; Stand Up, and Stand Together!


I worship no flag but gladly carry the banner of liberty.

Will you stand with me? Steemit is a battleground much like the rest of our world. We are here to fight. Our fight has purpose, and no purpose is furthered without sacrifice. When, in the past, I have often written that liberty is worth any price, I meant it.

If we do not stand and fight, our enemies will drive us back. If we do not rally to the banners that represent our cause, we will lose ground to those who resist us. This is not a social network. It is a battleground. What you do here matters.

What you do here matters more than you could ever imagine.

It matters because every post either enlightens the world with truth or darkens it with ignorance. We either further the truth or further hide it. As I have often said, "When someone suggests keeping the truth a secret, they usually want to maintain a lie instead."

I am here to keep no secrets. What am I here for? That is a good question. We should all ask it of ourselves. My goal on Steemit is the same goal I have had online for many years now. That goal is to further individual liberty regardless of my personal cost.

Stop playing or watching the part of a hero, and be one instead.

You can search for my name to know almost everything about me. Google makes that a simple task. What you see may define me on the surface, but it does not explain my motivations. Shared motivations equal loyalty. If you share the same motivations, you are friends--already met or not.

I have found many friends here on Steemit, and I know there are many more to be found. That is why this post is being written. Our burden is often a heavy one, and no war is won without loyal and trusted allies. Where are my allies? Stand up and stand with me!

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."

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