Mr. Dapperton's "Vocap" movement

About Mr. Dapperton's "vo-cap" movement

Mr. Dapperton, a big anarcho-capitalist (or voluntary capitalist, as he probably wants me to call it) YouTuber, just decided to stop calling himself an ancap. Instead, he'd like to be known as 'vocap'. There are no differences in ideology other than that 'vocap-ism' supports the dissolution of the state through political means - privatize more and more, to keep chipping away at the government until nothing is left. He supports Adam Kokesh for POTUS2020 (isn't it funny that we're already hopefully waiting for the next elections?), who wishes to peacefully and gradually, as I understand it, free America from the government.

So is it a good idea to rename ourselves to 'Vocaps'?

To find out, we must first acknowledge Mr. Dapperton's arguments for why this name change would be necessary. According to him (and many others, including myself I might add), people associate the term 'anarchism' mostly with communism. And he, spoken like a true capitalist: "doesn't want to be associated with filthy commies". This is true - especially considering that most subreddits that have the name 'anarchism' are in fact ancomm threads unless they specifically mention the 'anarcho-' bit.

Of course, as our ideologies are as far apart as they could possibly be, we should distance ourselves from those people (at least in name) as we don't want to cause any confusion about the word. This is the only reason that I somewhat understand where Dapperton's coming from.

On the other hand, we do have to realize that ancaps are in the minority on every level. The ancomms, liberals, conservatives, socialists, they all outnumber us. Now more than ever do we need to protect our buzz-word, to attract people to our ideology if nothing else. So what would be my answer?

No! We have to realize that a lot of voters are simply stupid and lazy - we should NOT allow any ambiguity to exist about our ideas, or if we do, we should have a name that packs all this together, one that we can all rally to (Libertarianism does the job most of the time). Most voters aren't interested in complexity, they just vote for the guy or gal they like the most - or dislike the least - and then proclaim their patriotism for having their voice be heard. Don't expect from voters to try and disambiguate all these terms themselves, or learn anything about us. We have to educate the voters without them realizing it, make it entertaining. Stop talking about politics and start talking about things they're passionate about - we have to pander like hell if we're ever to win an election. Making up new shit as we go, only to cause more confusion is not at all the ideal way to persuade voters to vote for us.

Because let's be honest here - how did Trump win the election: by having good ideas or by pandering?

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