The Man with the simple equation and the man with the solution to court justice.

Gonna be honest here, Didn't start off too well on here. Did not know what to really write about. I have had other previous accounts that failed instantly due to my own fault. I lost the keys.

Losing my keys in other dimensions as well it seems.

I keep them close to me. so much so I planted it into my own head. Yup, memorized every key this time. Still have the paper copy hidden away.

Still trying to figure out what I really want to share. It is so much actually I don't where to start.

We start lame questions with "where was I born" "when were you born" "what is your name" etc.

I don't know.
I don't know.
Call me Yayo Gerardo
email me with serious inquiries, in areas I am able to give. For example, wish to tell someone who is a stranger something, sure. go ahead, send them anonymously. want me to post them on here too? send me the details. (If it is worth posting that is. that is, that it is MY blog after all is it not so?...)

I do my best to stay "professional".

I do not believe in "paper 'gov' titles". anything that requires permission over a right to express what one has learned through experience and study is obsolete to me. Meaning I ain't going to ask for permission, nor am I going to let a piece of paper tell me what to do. I don't have a problem against "authority"(the moral right to enslave"). I can't be against something that doesn't exist.

Which brings me to my next point. It is that silly little belief that has plagued our minds into doing unfathomable things such as commit genocide via the proxy of paying "taxes". I aim to help give that silly superstition a kick in the ass but like Morpheus once said,

" one can tell you what the matrix is. You simply have to see it for yourself."
-Morpheus, from the movie "The Matrix"

Is math a thing of nature or of mankinds creation?

I know, odd question right? It is like asking is zero plus zero 1 or 0?

But seriously. Which one is it fellow gov believer?

MATH, Is it not a thing of which is discovered and not invented?


Are we being lied to by the people who believe in faith that 0 + 0 = 1?

"Police" here, there, everywhere forcing others to change their ideals to be like those that believe 0 + 0 = 1. (Such as themselves and anyone that calls them self a "citizen of such and such "insert stupid name of 'your' 'gov' here.")

We will take "the united snakes" for example.

No, by snakes, I do not mean those who wave the off yellow banana colored flag with the 'do not tread on me' slogan, great slogan/motto/etc by the way. unless your a proud tax payer, then that would make ye a hypocrite.

"don´t tread on me, while I tread on your life for things I want, via proxy taxes."

I got one thing for all ye who believe me to be enslaved to your ideology and beliefs; As if it is a crime to live freely.

I am against liberty for living freely and I am in danger of not being free so put me in a cage, restrict my freedom, give me restrictions, monopolize me baby, force me to obey, oh yea mmmm,,, more abuse please,,, yesss...

When are we going to learn the simple facts of life? when people apply these facts? How so?
EASY! We don't hurt others, we don't rob or steal from our neighbors labors. We do not steal their money(MONEY=THAT WHICH HAS VALUE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD; YOUR FUCKING PERSONAL LABOR G/BRO FOR STARTERS; AND WE WILL KEEP IT AT THAT FOR THE MOMENT:)[In short, "We do not steal their money is a term I am using to re state, re clarify "...we don't rob or steal from our neighbors labors."

FOR example...

"'engañando mi gente comer donde cagan, y luego forzarnos usar el papel de baño para intercambiar por cual mierda quieres? el de azul? ok mijo. en donde estaba?'
...I think what he was trying to say here is, there is no way a turkey sandwich is less edible than this sandwich made from the turkeys feces. No grandpa I am not going to eat that shit even if you do assault me. put it down."

Forcing shit down our minds as a seed then watering it with your diera from our the labors of our tomatoe fields harvesting into making us use "paper" money to put and to equate value of what we truly value which is our labor. But instead you undervalue it more and more and more and more and more and more forcing us to work more and more and more and more and more, mean while we get less and less and less and less and less while you get more and more and more and more and more blah blah blah blah etc etc etc.

Ye feed the seed of oblivion or paradise? history states more of the oblivion, will it be enough this time that we choose paradise?

Imagine everything free. every store no longer charged. everyone still working. everything is cam like any other normal day. only difference is that we don't pay money. we just give everything away for free. then just be that like in your head and see the change. who doesnt want that? oh you? get out of the way then fool. society coming through. they know what is suffereing like and they don't care about your beiefs. they don't traspass our natural right to be fed. we all work. more people joining to work. more people are coming to learn. more people are coming to create new advances in technology to help ease our lhard labors. no that doesnt mean stop excercizing. no that doesnt mean we are here to take our neighbors jobs away. your just in the way of that ketchup bottle and i aim to grab it. Am I going to pay for it? none of your business. good day sir. no i didnt pay for that shit. kidding me? fuck paper money.

Need a roof build? sure thing bud, let me grab these free equipment and I got you. electrical problems? I got you, don't worry about it. I got a crew of friends who love what they do and love working, now with these fancy new tools and shit, we are here to build and create too. help the easements of our future generations. give them what they need to advance in their interests as individuals.

damn what a future I see. Can it be done before I pass? it's like how many licks does it take to get to the middle of that poisiones cancer causing pops. the world may never know.

may... maybe so.

"remember the tooth" says Yuew. Yea yea. The zero rule.

even mathematicians don't know 0 + 0 = 0 if ye believe paying taxes is a must and that I must pay them, I call ye out! Fraud by action. Ye words or stating it is obviously zero mean nothing to me for ye pay the tax, which is in itself stating "I believe zero plus zero is one".


Let me start with here then. I was once refereed to an individual who went by Eric WhoRU from a yahoo group with "whoru for the (something) It has since been removed, for reasons unknown to me. So many lectures on there. What is the deal with those Notice and demands? does it really work in the court? I have seen evidence by video and on the website by Marc from but not one from Eric, asides from his lectures on unveiling common sense again. At least he attempted to. now this old man has us to keep it going on his very key factors.

Freedom School
under the section "what is a citizen"

Most people seem to rely on dictionaries for the definitions of words - however it is a fact that the information set forth in dictionaries does not in any way constitute the definitions thereof but merely sets forth the common understanding of words as the words are commonly used - this is what we understand to be correct "diction".

Put another way, the explanations of words set forth in dictionaries are erroneously referred to as "definitions" , when actually, all a dictionary does is set forth the ever changing commonly understood meaning of words - a dictionary does NOT set forth definitions of words - word definitions can only be found in statutes or other legal writings where the meaning of certain words are specifically set forth and "defined" as such words are used in such statutes or other legal writings wherein such definitions are set forth. I would never allow any dictionary and certainly not a so-called legal dictionary, to be used to establish the definition or understanding of a word!! Instead I go to how the word in question was used and understood and applied in the real life "diction" of the common people of the day.

Names are up for sale on the market these days. but soon to follow after a forced quarentine,

We must vaccinate the children and drop bombs in major cities smite the poor out. we have invested too much time and effort for our nwo. buahhahaha

Even your names are being used as a tool to enslave you. and they are going to teach your children too that 0 + 0 = 1 for they will teach them how to be obedient so long as within gov says so. they will teach obediency is moral and ethical. otherwise blame it on gov and gov will solution the problem that gov did with more gov.

does that really make sense to you? something does. your all insane. god damn fucking looney tunes looney.

A looney world.

What does your actions collected from all your memories tell you where your mind is made up on. How many times have you hit children' how many times have you forced/coerced someone to do something for you? who still voting for gov?


So I am growing medicinal herbs. I am growing for only me. I need medicine. for I am sick of this toxicity and it helps me get the day going. I support anyone who wishes to do the same. 420 movement never stops. Liberate the oppression from liberty and the liberation from the suppression of natural resources like natural medicine such as cannabis which is also a weed.

Thank you Eric for your help, they ignored the notice and demand, called it "non-sense" woah woah don't get your panties in a bunch here, We know it isnt non sense. I was not even allowed to appeal and when I did write out an appeal and or habeas corpus, it was never delivered.

Either way, thank you, you have shown me much like what zero plus zero is. anyone know if anyone has downloaded a copy of those lectures from the group? I hope all got saved.

I am more inclined to Marcs method however in dealing with them. would be better if more people backing up the cause showed up though!!! fill the halls shit. watch and learn from these guys. Go get them little marcians. wierd little beatiful creatures.

We need more of this here in mexico.
[Get your freedom back in the courts][]

cheers everyone.

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