US Power Trip

Today Washington DC finally went on another power trip. What am I talking about? Today the US cut off from Swift system. (

What is SWIFT? Is a global financial transferring system. It is supposed to be a secure method of moving money around the world. Now that Iran has been cut off from this global system, it is sad that one nation is allowed to cut off people from what is suppose to be open to every person in the world.

This has got to stop people. Seriously, we can't stand by and be complicit anymore. The time of standing by like ignorant sheep is over. It's time to get in the face of politicians and make our voices heard.

I don't care what letter is behind their name. Nor do I care if they are liberal, conservative, or right/left. All that is a distraction to keep us from seeing what is going on. If we really paid attention to what is going on, we'd be angry beyond words.

While we walk around with our faces stuck to our phones people in Iran are being cut off from monetary society. They have not attacked us. They haven't cut us off from the monetary society. They didn't attack us on 9/11. We have talked about this here. The only thing I'll say this, if the war in Afghanistan had been about 9/11 there would be no more Isreal or Saudi Arabia.

Moving on. I don't know how much longer we can continue to attack other countries before we really attack and it'll be our own fault. Why? We have been complicit from day one.

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