Metabolism & Nutrition, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #36

I weigh almost 80 kilograms. Most of it is water, which is about 64 percent, although you can't tell by looking. I mean, compared to other living things, I like to think I'm somewhat solid. Proteins are second only to water, at about 16 percent. Not only in muscles, but also in the tiny sodium and potassium pumps found in neurons And in hemoglobin, which is found in the blood and in the enzymes that stimulate chemical reactions In each of the 37 trillion cells in the body. Fat is 16 percent of my body, which does not bother me at all. Mineral salts such as calcium and phosphorous in the bones and iron in the blood account for 4 percent. Carbohydrates are 1 percent, and most of them are consumed as I talk to you Or store it as glycogen while it awaits use. This does not mean that I ate 80 kilograms of food and became like this. Rather, my body is constantly acquiring materials, like yours, and it extracts some of them for storage And they burn some for energy, and get rid of the rest. But even the things the body stores don't last forever. Some of the chemicals I gain from food eventually become part of my body. But enzymes wear, membranes break down, and nucleic acids oxidize, so we lose them. Then I need more of those chemicals to replace my lost ones. As a result, during my lifetime, my body cells will be created Between 225 and 450 kg of protein. Any three, four, or five homo versions are made with protein only. And all proteins, fats, starches and nucleic acids My body comes from food, of course. Every living organism must continue to gain and break down food In order for him to continue supplying himself with the raw materials he needs to survive. And all of this activity requires energy that we get from food as well. So how do our bodies convert what we eat into energy and raw materials? The answer lies in an endless series of interactions devoted to doing the two essentials And completely opposite. A group of chemical reactions destroy the reactions that are given to it They turn large, complex materials into remnants of molecules. Another group is recombining the leftovers into new and bigger products They are assembled again to form the human body. Our bodies constantly reinvent themselves in a constant state of loss but constantly rebuild. Although all of this occurs at the cellular level, its results are much greater. It is in these two sets of interactions that everything we've learned so far is evident For the digestive system, endocrine system, circulatory system and respiratory system. Together, these processes shape metabolism. The scientific word "metabolism" has acquired a meaning in popular culture, But metabolism isn't all about one thing. People talk about metabolism in the sense that how quickly the body burns the fuel in food. Or how high your personal energy level is. And it's okay for this to be used by personal trainers and fitness magazines. Functionally, however, metabolism describes every biochemical reaction that takes place in the body. Most importantly, it reconciles two opposite chemical processes You always run at the same time throughout the body. Anabolism is one of the two chemical forces. Anabolic reactions build things up and consume energy. These are the processes that take in the building blocks found in food Such as monosaccharides, fatty and amino acids and converting them into larger and more complex polymers Such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are used in cells. And when you need new building elements or you need to release some energy Polymers present in the body or new polymers present in food are broken down through catabolic reactions. The catabolism processes break down larger particles. And when their bonds are broken, they produce the energy needed to stay warm, to move around, and to fuel cells To reconstruct those polymers. The metabolism process is very similar to "Sisyph" from the myths; She works hard but never finishes her work. And the rock that a "Sisyph" instance pushed inside you to the top of the summit to see it fall again, They are the nutrients, and they are the molecules that the body always breaks down and then rebuilds To smash it again. These are the nutrients or substances the body needs to build, maintain and repair itself It has six basic groups. In terms of volume, water makes up most of what we consume and what makes up our bodies. So it is probably the most important nutrient. Then there are vitamins, which are compounds that are found in fat or water soluble forms. They are not used as building blocks or to produce energy. But it is essential in helping the body use other nutrients that do. For example, vitamin C improves iron absorption, and vitamin K is important for blood clotting. Some B vitamins are important for producing adenosine triphosphate from glucose. Minerals, like vitamins, do not provide fuel, but they do have a variety of other functions. Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous strengthen bones and teeth, and iron is important in the formation of hemoglobin. Potassium, sodium and chlorine help maintain the body's pH balance. And it is used in the efforts of verbs. So water, vitamins and minerals are essential. But the essential nutrients everyone is talking about What we find on various food labels are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Most of the carbohydrates we eat in our life, Except for the lactose found in milk, it comes from plants in origin. Monosaccharides and disaccharides come from fruits, honey, sugar beet and sugar cane. Whereas, polysaccharides come from vegetables and grains. And what you should know is that the monosaccharide glucose is the most important molecular fuel What cells need to make adenosine triphosphate. Adenosine triphosphate is the molecule that cells use to stimulate anabolic reactions When you need to produce new polymers or do anything else like running a sodium-potassium pump Or separating the tip of the myosin thread in order for a muscle to contract. But adenosine triphosphate is unstable, which hinders its storage, so cells store energy in the form of glucose. She can later undermine it and convert it into adenosine triphosphate when you need it. Some cells can obtain energy from fats. But most important cells, such as neurons and red blood cells, use only glucose. So most of the starches absorbed by the intestine are converted into glucose for this reason. But if there is no immediate need for energy, it can be stored as glycogen in the liver or muscles Or turn it into glycerol and fatty acids to produce triglycerides. Although there appears to be an advertising war being waged against dietary fats, However, we definitely need it. Fats in adipose tissue store energy, of course, but they store fat-soluble vitamins Members are assigned. Lipids form myelin that insulates neurons in the brain and body As well as the lipid layer of the skin, it provides the essential calorie content found in breast milk. But there are other important lipids, such as cholesterol, which are basic compounds Such as the male hormone and estrogen. And phospholipids also form the cell membrane In each of the approximately 36 trillion cells in the body. If you like to eat meat, it may be the source of a lot of the fats that you digest. But plants contain fats, too. Plants use lipids to store energy just like a human does. But it stores it in fruits, nuts and seeds, and this is similar to the breast milk of plants. That is, it is food for its young. Either way, when you eat fats, the body breaks down triglycerides and turns it into glycerol. And fatty acids. These molecules can then be processed and used to make adenosine triphosphate. Or, they are converted into other types of acidic fats that the cells can reassemble To become triglycerides and phospholipids. The liver does an excellent job of converting an acidic fat into another acidic fat. But there are types that he cannot create. For example, omega-6 and three fatty acids called essential fatty acids Because the body cannot make it, so it must be eaten. And it transforms into different types of beneficial molecules, such as those used to make synapses in the brain And also to signal the start of infection during the healing process. But if the carbohydrates give energy and fats isolate and store energy, Proteins do everything else. It makes up the bulk of muscle and connective tissue, and is the substance that creates ion channels and pumps In neurons and muscle cells, and they manufacture enzymes It is responsible for almost every chemical reaction in the body. This means that the body works on proteins, and virtually everything is made of protein. Nutritionally, meat and dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts and grains, They are all rich in protein. But because everything we eat was alive in the past, And because every cell of every living thing contains protein, as long as you eat whole foods, You replenish your protein at least partially. It might sound like you have to eat muscles to make muscles, or you have to eat enzymes to make enzymes, But the process does not go like this. Since all proteins are made of only 20 amino acids, The differences between thousands of unique proteins simply exist in the sequence of those amino acids. And of course, you have a specialized molecule that knows exactly which amino acids to put together In what order to make a particular protein. It is called DNA. For example, when you eat a hamburger, the actin protein in the meat is destroyed To be broken down into its components, which are amino acids, which mixes with other amino acids Other proteins in meat include collagen, elastin, titin, and myosin Plus all the proteins from bread, tomatoes and mayonnaise. These amino acids are recombined using anabolic reactions Becoming your own proteins, but slightly different depending on what your nucleic acids determine. Every cell is like a picky chef and should have every amino acid they need That is, every ingredient should be there before you even think about making protein. And just like lipids, cells can improvise And converting some amino acids into other amino acids if they lack a certain element. But there are nine essential amino acids that you cannot make from other amino acids and you should eat them. Not many foods provide every essential amino acid, but when you mix foods, Like cereals and rice or pasta and cheese, you get all the essential amino acids. This is important because after water, the body is made up of about 16 percent protein. But what about one percent in the body? Starches? How does that small part of the body make all the energy? This is what we will discover next time. Today, however, you learned everything about essential nutrients, including water, vitamins and minerals Starches, fats and proteins, as well as how the anabolic reactions take place By building structures and consuming energy, delegation reactions destroy things and give off energy. These two competing forces make up the wonderful contrasting process known as metabolism. Thanks to Senior Education Officer Linia Boyev and thanks to all of our Patreon sponsors Those who make Crash Course content possible with their monthly contributions, not just for themselves Indeed, for everyone everywhere. If you like Crash Course And you want to help us to keep making great videos like this one, visit The episode was filmed in Dr. Sherrill C. Kenny of Crash Course. This episode is written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake De Pastino, and our consultant is Dr. Brandon Jackson. The episode is directed by Nicholas Jenkins and edited by Nicole Sweeney The sound designer is Michael Aranda and the graphics team is Thought Café.

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