To Pronate A Gait Like An Indian

When I was a kid in elementary school, in a science reader I was perusing, there was an illustration depicting the tracks various critters would leave in the snow so you could be apprised of who had been in your vicinity, if you happened to be out for a stroll. Complimenting the assortment of birds and mammals were tracks left by an Indian and a Pilgrim. The Indians gait left a straight line while the Pilgrims traveled on either side of one, with toes radiating away from it.

When I asked my teacher why they tracked differently, she told me she didn't know. Happily she added that if I happened to ever find out to be sure to tell her all about it. In high school my Lit 21 teacher guessed it was because western culture fucks with your native ergonomics. I guess I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.

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