America Freedom has lead to a Fascist state, and No one wants to admit it.

American Fascism: the reward for being too busy to care!

American democracy is simply fascism without the mustache. America was founded on the principles of a republican form of government. That is very different than a democratic form of government, and that difference is in the form of personal liberty: in a republican government you have it until you give it up or commit a crime and it is taken from you, however in a democracy a group of people you don't know can decide to give up your liberties for the common good.
That may be an over-simplification but let me explain.
Everywhere you look today you will see the media propping up our DEMOCRACY, the greatest Democracy, the most successful Democracy in the history of the world!
They would have you forget the pledge of allegiance you were made to recite when it was convenient to have an informed generation coming of age. A generation ready and proud to change the world in the hopes everyone could be free to experience this Freedom that only we at the time had.
We didn't have monarchs. We weren't communists. We certainly weren't socialists. We were Americans and most of us proud of it!
Look around today. Do you see anyone proud to be an American? Even the ones sporting MAGA hats won't go so far as to say they are proud, just American.
The true ruling political agenda or system in America isn't based on Democracy, it sure as fuck isn't adhering to Republican ideals or principles! So under which principles of government is America now governing? It has to be Fascist. Everything for the state.
There is no clearer A sign that this has been the desired outcome for some time than the words included in the 14th Amendment, section 4, that state “the validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”. Really? In a Republican Government, it certainly can be. In a Democracy, it could be put to a vote. Only in a fascist government could those words ever be part of a constitution. "shall not be questioned" What does that say about checks and balances? What is this debt they speak of? You can't ask and they won't tell, it cant be questioned it can only be paid! The state doesn't pay it... the federal government is we the people! I.E. we pay it, and we don't question! But in that proclamation is the obvious statement that the people by having the only ability to pay this debt they cant question, indeed are the government! If we made the government then we control it, and it can never under natural law control us! Unfortunately, that is not how most people interpret that sentence. They have been led to believe that they have bestowed on their government some power that they never had to give away, to begin with, and that is the power to rule over your creator. More on this at the end!
Those words have formed the basis for Americas spiral into a fascist regime right before our very eyes. The Erosion of a two-party system into the theatre that we are left with today is the end result. Does anyone believe that the Democrats are holding Republicans accountable? Do you believe that at some point Bernie is going to get your health care and education? Elizabeth Warren going to secure your consumer rights. Is Mitch Mcconnell going to become a human fucking being? Lindsey Grahm going to admit to choking down dicks for cash donations no matter how small the donor or how big the dick? Those things won't ever happen. Children don't even believe they will happen.
Trump isn't the Enemy to Democracy and he is way too stupid to be a dictator, so don't worry on that matter. But worry about the fact that he has managed to get us to focus on a two-party battle, that started with Obama, and we have been lulled into a stupor from, for almost 15 years! Trump isn't some slick smart fucker like Obama but he gets away with twice as much, 100 times as much. Why? because we have let our country slide from a republic to a democracy to a state-run fascist dictatorship where we vote in the next dictator, well not really, we allow an electoral college to vote in a new dictator and then we go back to calling each other names for 4 years while they rape us and our children of any future wealth or security through the fascist belief that a constant and perpetual war with the entire world is the only way for a government to rule. The men must prove their metal, go and fight, the women support those men and of course enjoy their few liberties along the way so long as they fulfill those rules and never question the motivation of the state.
Well, here we are: perpetual Wars, Over-reaching taxation and over budget spending ensuring anything you save won't be worth a shit when you want to spend it. So what is your option, your one option, leave it in a bank at one percent or less interest and hope you don't lose your job! In other words, you will vote for the state, work for the state, fight and die for the state, and truly hope it works out because if the state fails, so do you, we us! we have descended into fascism no 2 ways about it! Now they have cameras scanning your cars license plate, attached to nearly all police cars, stop lights, street lamps, and even private citizens to record your plate, i.e. you and your location throughout the city at all times day and night. This information is in a nationwide database that just keeps getting bigger each minute of each day. This ties into your license validity, your child support, unpaid taxes, arrest records, etc... no longer do you need to commit any infraction to be pulled over, taken from your car and jailed with huge fines to get yourself or your friend /lover/ or family member out, you simply need to be in the public view.
Some would say well then pay your child support, pay your taxes, keep yourself in good standing. I get that, its a valid argument. But what if you lose your job, and are forced to pay a bill you cant, within a month you can go from legal to warrant for your arrest. If that happens it will be hard to get a new job while in jail and by the time you get out and can no longer drive your rent is due along with your credit cards. default on any one of those and your interest rates are going north of 30%. remember your money can't even make you a one percent return so the upside is always small and getting smaller however the downside is virtually limitless. In today's economy BTW your worth just as much and possibly more incarcerated than you are working at a minimum wage job! Either way, the government probably has to feed you in some manner or other but while you're free your not making the courts the money they need or the jails the money they need. They need a lot!
For those still in doubt GOOGLE the UCC. Its the uniform commercial code of our federal government. It contains the laws that have replaced your constitutional rights or LIBERTIES with statutes. These are the federal statutes...
Once on the UCC type in ASSAULT. I pick that one because it is a relatively short chapter of laws for you to grasp the situation we now live under. Spoiler alert, it contains three different classifications of assault only 1 You or I assault an officer of the law Fines plus 1-2 years...2 you or I assault a politician, fines and up to 3 years...and lastly you or I assault a foreign diplomat or dignitary up to 7 years, fines, etc... and that's it! now you tell me where the upside for you and I come in remember this is our government working for us! But these are the laws as far as the federal government is concerned.
And you should be fine if you can go your entire life without hitting one of those people. But if one of them hits you, you are going to go to jail! there is no provision for any of them to go to jail so if that law is broken it is you that pays. Oversimplification: YES.. but true? YES
In a fascist Government, the state can't commit a crime and can't be made to pay for any damage to a civilian who is only there to support the state, not hold it accountable, that doesn't fit in with Fascism. That's where we are, We are fascists! so drop this I'm a Republican or I'm a Democrat and accept it or learn your true nature and don't let anyone take away your rights to life liberty and happiness. Don't vote for any one of these assholes they put before you! If you participate they own you! Learn what Liberty means and exercise it because in a short while, if you don't, your children won't get too. It's that simple!
Remember I said more on the creator thing? well here you go:
A man can and will exist in the absence of any and all forms of government, he does not owe his existence to anyone, or anything, other than his creator, whomever that may be. While he may chose god or anything else his immediate ruler will always be his parents, and he will never grow to rule them. Government, however, can not exist without mankind. Governments, in any form, are created by man, and are solely for the benefit of man. They can never rule over man, just like a child is ruled over by the father or mother, and never the reverse, what has been created can never control what created it!.
This is the Natural Law of the world and its not dependant on any constitution, or body politic, or statute. Our Governments claim of sovereignty is where our strength and power to change their direction exists: the maxim of law applies; One can not give what one does not possess. Meaning we had the sovereignty that created the government, and now is what they claim to have, and as such we are the sovereigns that they got their power from, and we can't be alienated from that position because it would go against natural law! Our declaration of independence, constitution, in fact, our nation as a whole was founded solely on this principle
In closing: We created the government, and that Government was meant to be a republican form of government, where every man, woman, child is born free and on equal standing with everyone else. The rights he has are unalienable and start from that point, noone but he may give up those rights. They include Liberty. Mans rights are not enumerated because if you have liberty you dont need to define anything further. Liberty consists of the right to do what you want when you want withjout interference from anyone so long as your actions dont prevent someone else from doing the same! Simple enough to understand. This government we created has grown and gradually tried to assume control over us using its position to pass laws that appear tto limit citizens rights, and that may be the case if you voluntarilyy define yourself as a citizen for them to rule over. Nut you are all really the Soveriegn rulers of your government and all that you need to do to reassert your rights is to claim that position and denounce the assertions that government has imposed against you!
Be your own ruler, teach your children to do the same. Most everyone agrees in the principles of our founding fathers of freedom and responsibility. Very few of us believe in Facism, so dont just go along for the ride because as it is now, the very few control the many, and that is how it will remain if you fail to claim your position and force our government to abide by theirs!

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