Why The US Must Intervene in Venezuela (12 REASONS)

As a christian, this is a difficult post for me. The Bible talks about loving, forgiving and caring but sometimes also The Bible talks about does war, good and moral wars, but wars at the end. When that happens God himself is called "Jehovah Of Armies" in those verses. The reality is that life without war is impossible. The basis of physical, mental, moral and even SPIRITUAL life is antagonism. It is an open fact that war can destroy but also create and I'm not talking of war as a business and jobs generator, I'm talking about this: Freedom and prosperity always had a price in blood.

I know big media is strongly opposed to the idea of giving military help to Venezuelan resistance in order to restore their freedom. The New York Times, RT, CNN, Washington Post, and other biased journalists are prone to the idea of keeping "The New Hitler Of The Americas" in power. If mass murder, famine, and tyranny do not change your mind maybe you are being naive believing the press, but I have 12 powerful reasons for you to reconsider:

we must invade venezuela.jpg

1.- Venezuela is already intervened, their government is totally controlled by The Castro's from Cuba and between the Chinese and the Russians, they own all of their economy (vast reserves of gold, minerals, gas and oil). Venezuelans protesting and dying in the streets are not fighting against Maduro but against an international criminal mafia, they will never get rid off without any assistance.

2.- The fact that the CIA supports it does not make it something the CIA did it. This is a common left wing talking point--every time there is a military coup against a leftist, and the CIA is pleased, suddenly the CIA did it. Accurate only in the conspiratorily-minded who see the nefarious hand of the CIA in every turn of global events.

3.- The people have not deposed the regime in 20 years of brutal conflict because the people are disarmed, hungry and trying to survive. The military's loyalty is enforced by Cubans embedded within the armed forces. Plus, due to firearms export regulations and currency controls the Venezuelan diaspora are essentially prevented from helping. It is largely a fantasy to believe that an unarmed and starving population (like Jews in concentration camps) can just rise up and overthrow a military tyrant. One must fight force with force.

4.- The United States has diplomatic relations with foreign countries and therefore must decide who it recognizes as its counterpart. There is no avoiding a decision like this. The US must either recognize Maduro, recognize Guaido or recognize no one. This is not about the US enforcing their constitution, this is about the US establishing relations with a counterpart and determining ownership of assets like bank accounts and properties.

5.- The US empire has done horrible things--and yet our experience as Americans is that we live in security, prosperity and political freedom like nowhere else in the world. That "we need to be focused on our own problems" is no reason to ignore the mafia of Maduro and all the harm that is making in America´s backyard

6.- Nearly 50.000 Americans live in Venezuela, some of them with their families (most of them came when the country was safe and prosperous 20 years ago, among them you can find businessmen, Christian missionaries, English teachers, etc). Many Americans are in jail just for the "being American" issue. Many American journalists are still in Venezuelan prisons, many American companies, properties, and factories have been expropriated by the Chavista government. The threat to American people in Venezuela is so big Washington had to close their Embassy in Caracas. Is not the responsibility of a Government for the people and by the people to protect its citizens?

7.- I know you've heard about Iranian, Chinese, Cuban and Russian troops in Venezuela. But actually is not a big deal. Most of those troops serve more as repressors of mass protests for the dictatorship that actually a military power. Invading Venezuela will be so easy that it could last a couple of days or even less. Their military is poorly trained, demoralized, unpatriotic and there's video evidence they are scared chickens. Venezuela is the size of Texas but all their military power is concentrated in Caracas (the size of Manhattan).

8.- US Independence from the British Crown: Achieved thanks to French and Spanish intervention. Independence of Europe from the Nazi Reichstag: Achieved thanks to the USA, England, and Russia. Independence of South America of the Spanish Crown: Achieved thanks to the intervention of Venezuela. Do you see a pattern? YES. Nobody can fight alone against a murder machine, the rebels who are fighting alone and unarmed against a tyrannical regime that exterminates their citizens ALWAYS ask for assistance, support and external financing. Nowadays more than ever foreign influences - even when it comes to ideas - are always present in an increasingly globalized world.

9.- Craig Faller said he's ready. Erik Prince already said he can do all the job without tax-payers money. The legitimate Supreme Court of Venezuela (TSJ En Exilio) is requesting a military intervention, Guaidó authorized Venezuela to return to The Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, and the most important thing: Most Venezuelan citizens agree to the idea.

10.- Tax-payers money is already being spent in helping with aid to the migrant crisis (5 millions of Venezuela already left the country in the biggest migrant caravan ever known in Latin America). Mike Pence they already gave $213 millions in humanitarian assistance. But if Maduro is not stopped and now all that money will be wasted and will never be returned back in trade deals and investments.

11.- Venezuela is a real threat, Caracas is the only place in the continent with a North Korean Embassy and Kalashnikov factories (Russian machine guns), Maduro is funding the Ortega regime in Nicaragua but is also funding Hezbollah and is a big promoter of Iran, Palestine, and Turkey. The Center For A Secure And Free Society conducted an investigation which result was that the Iranian Embassy in Caracas is used as a laboratory for spreading terrorism, also is known that Venezuela was selling passports to a terrorist so they could move freely around the globe. The DEA is following from many years "El Cartel De Los Soles" which is the biggest drug cartel in the hemisphere, linked to the Venezuelan government and laundering their money in our economy. The list goes on.

12.- A coup is an attempt to depose a government, not a mafia. Maduro runs a mafia, not a government. It is incorrect to call opposition's attempts to restore the rule of law to Venezuela as a coup. But let's say it is a government: Was elected in shame elections and has no international legitimacy.

Nearly every single nation has left Venezuela alone but America has a responsibility in the Hemisphere as the biggest military power in the world, a champion of liberty and the nation among many.

What Can You Do?:

We all know politicians won't do anything for principles, they will only do something if they believe they will get votes. Keep voting Republican, start a pledge in WeThePeople, contact your congressman, send him/her this article this post and share this in your social media, you can also support with a couple of bucks the local freedom fighters, help organizations like Rumbo Libertad, Bastiat Society Venezuela or other pro-liberty NGO´s who are taking decisive involvement in the development of a freer future for all Venezuelans.

Leo Brito

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