A Poem On Immigration

I am very fortunate to have been born in America, the land of the free, but my heart aches for those with good intentions who are in such a crisis.

With all due respect to your political stance and views, you can't deny that these "tender-age" shelters are heartbreaking. I keep playing that recording of a little girl who is crying out for her dad and pleading to make a call to her aunt.

The pain and fear in her voice rattles me; sends me through an unsettling state of emotions. It kills me!

They Belong by sweetjr05

Dear Beautiful America,

A scared girl she was when she crossed the border.

Her parents wanted a better life for her…more opportunities

She was too young.

“Illegals” and “Aliens” they called her

And those like her.

What a disgrace.

Mamá said, “keep your head low and behave.”

They were fearful but humble

To be in the great America.

He gave them hope in 2012

Twelve years of school she accomplished

Her dreams of attending the college…



Hearts fall and

the lost and confused

don’t know what to do.

She arrives home

No words are said.

Her chance flew.

Her mother’s eyes are full of fear

and uncertainty.

A scared girl she was when she crossed the border.

Her parents can’t provide a better life for her… much less a secure home.

Anyone who works hard in school

Anyone who works hard in their job

Anyone who works for their country

Does not

deserve to be torn

From a place, they belong.

Anyone who pays their taxes

Anyone who abides to the law

Anyone who’s a productive citizen

Does not

deserve to be torn

From a place, they belong.

Anyone who fears war in their home country

Anyone who’s seeking shelter from corruption

Anyone who was raised here

Deserves to stay.

I stand with the Dreamers.

America, what do you say?

This poem is about:
My community
My country


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