An Ambience film directed by Anders Weberg has a duration of 720 hours. That's tantamount to 30 days of continuous playback time.


An Ambience film directed by Anders Weberg has a duration of 720 hours. That's tantamount to 30 days of continuous playback time.

The Swedish man has worked in the visual arts field for more than two decades, and he plans to end his career in this field by 2020. However, he does not want to end his career in visual arts just like that. He wanted to make the longest movie in the history of cinema.

The 720 hour epic work is planned to be played simultaneously on all continents at a time. After that Anders wants to destroy all the copies so it can not be played back again.

To give his audience the curiosity and hope of his movie, he has released a trailer since 2014. The first trailer lasted just seven minutes, of course this is too short for a 720 hour movie.

However, in 2016, he re-released a new seven-hour trailer. And, by 2018 he plans to release a trailer that takes 72 hours to watch.

For this Ambiance film, she involves about 100 actors, some of whom have worked together in previous films.

Directed Ambiance says that he has not held a 400-hour dialogue scene. Anders was working on the film himself and he was also the only one who funded the film project.

Experience has taught him that once you receive someone else's money, you will lose control and be forced to make it according to the rules.

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