I am a sellout

I did it. I did the dirty deed. What was I to do? I just signed up for Amazon Prime and joined the evil empire. I loaded up my cart with things to buy for the house and for the holidays.

Here is my excuse. I live in Green Bay, WI. There is nowhere shop. Toys R Us closed, Younkers closed, Sears closed. And did i mention the roads are filled with rain, ice, and snow all weekened?

Of course we did this to ourselves through our myopia, through sending all our money to China, and our multinationals as well. We bought in and have paid the price. It would be worth it if sustainable growth were happening there, but it's mostly extractive.. but i won't get too far off topic.

So yes, I'm a hypocrite, the perfect fit for the world we live in. Ho ho ho and Merry X-mas and all that jazz.

Let's keep building new options... and avoiding mirrors in the meantime.

Peace on the STEEM Blockchain @ClumsySilverDad

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