Mist changed into magic.


Come, let me show you how this magic of a cloud on the floor came about.

A display of mist, sun, clouds and moon here for you this morning. My intention was to do part 2 of the wine cellar, but in the midst of doing the replies to all of my comments, I looked out of my window and what you see here is what I saw.
Come and look out of my window!

Now I told you that it was very misty before the sun arrived.

Harry and Sally were also up here on a high road lamp waiting for the sun.

There were the first colors announcing the imminent appearance of the sun on the stage.

And there it was, fighting it's way through the clouds and the mist.

So the mist ran away, but the clouds densified and dropped to the ground.

I think that the clouds slipped around behind the mountain (east), to avoid the sun coming over from the west.

Finally the morning moon was also watching all of this.

A happy Easter Sunday to all and I really hope that some of us are getting some rest on this day. We went out, first to the mountains and then we had lunch at the sea.
So yes, as I downloaded my camera into the PC, there is about 750 photos that I took up till now. Some stunning shots to show you in my posts and I hope that you will like them.

And That's All Friends!

Note: All photos are fresh and my own, taken with a Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post by @papilloncharity

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