Fighting to preserve nature

Some beauty here and a problem.

This is the beauty of nature and I guess by now that many of you know that Mother Nature is my second wife.

We are allowed to have more wives here and I have three. Number one is human, number two is nature and my third wife is called charity :)
Oh! Marian says I have a fourth camera!:)
Today I will show you a problem that we have with my second wife.
Come and have a look.

Difficult and steep to farm olives on the lower hills.

Another shot of her beauty on a misty morning.

And here is her problem. These trees are lovely when they wear their green summer clothes, but it is still winter and they are naked. They have faced the worst of winds over time, but now a new enemy is in town.

See the brown marks in the breaks? Insects have hollowed the trunk out, stripping the tree's strength. The bad news is that we heard that there is also a bug called a Borer beetle in town, but the authorities are busy eliminating them. It was either damaged by Borers or termites. I do not know.

In any case I am sure that the nature doctors can handle and prevent this illness.
Just a final beauty of nature here.

Nature is absolutely essential to our well being and should be nurtured and protected at all costs. We want our children's children and their children to walk about freely when they look at the wonders of nature. Every time nature is hurt, it bleeds, it cries out, it groans to be released from it's oppressors. It is fighting to shake the chains that hold it. And it will be released one day. Until then, may we work to help ease it from those shackles that hurt and injure - that bring bad consequences for us all!

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