Amazing Nature Contest - February 2020 - #04 | Always find the root !

Amazing Nature Contest is an inspiration from @adalger. Follow him and #amazing nature in your post!

This seemed like the perfect photo to share on this day especially after hearing news from back home that the Prime Minister that is overseeing the government has resigned and many other ministers are beginning the exit the controlling party; all leaving to make way for a new opposition party.


We were the opposition party and we fought to make a better future for our children; thinking that this new government would finally make it right after decades of misguided ruling. Haven't they learned that the root to all our problems is ourselves and our egoistic mind.

Today's actions feels like a betrayal for what we have been fighting for years and when we finally have our words heard, the rulers have failed us once again. When will we ever learn from our mistakes or are we too blinded?

It is so true that if the roots are not strong and have the right soil, however the tree may grow, it would not produce good and sustainable harvest. Just like my home country :(

Purpose of this contest
Nature can be anything from plants to animals to landscapes. Untouched from its original form but evolved naturally over the years. We live in a modern, fast moving lifestyle that sometimes, we need to stop to appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature and what it has been offering to us all these centuries.


- Use #amazingnature as FIRST TAG and topic of the post and CLEARLY MENTION that your post is an ENTRY for this contest. 
- All pictures must be your own. 
- Clearly STATE why those pictures are representing YOUR AMAZING NATURE.
- Amazing Natures categories can be Botany, Zoology, Geology, Landscapes or 

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