What I like about steemit: A Fun Blogging Platform VS Crypto making machine?

Most steemit members see the platform as a place to make money because that is what they were told or see especially when they concentrate on trending and hot pages. On the other hand, however, apart from making more crypto´s (steem and steem dollars) , steemit has many other unique values that it offers to its members-here are some points:

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Networking: I joined steemit for the money , however stayed for the community , people and knowledge. In fact, steemit is a great platform to meeting new people and thus make new friends, organize events and party´s . @papa-pepper , for example , do organize many get together events with fellow steemians . Moreover, an amazing get together by @karensuestudios and @teamsteem In Canada and USA shows how steemit is bringing interesting people together .
Moreover, there are a lot of innovative minds in steemit platform , collaborating and planning for the next big thing especially on joining a great undervalued token-example is www.elyte.tech .

Knowledge: It is argued that knowledge is power –this is true because with great knowledge comes success and power and we acquire knowledge through learning and experience-which is what steemit provides. In fact, new members should take out time to learn how things are done here, make friend / contacts and thus get more experience before they engage in full time blogging. Moreover, you can learn here about cooking, travelling, cryptocurrencies , blogging, nature , wild life etc.

Conclusion : Apart from crypto´s , steemit is a fun blogging platform, a knowledge hub, great for networking/ learning new things . In fact, steemit is more than just one thing - as indicated in this blog post. Therefore, there is no need for anyone to complain about the monetary part (money will surely come if you concentrate on other great part of steemit) rather we all should see the bigger picture and act accordingly.

Do you agree? send in your comments, resteem and upvote in order to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post: Steem is taking its rightful position in the Big Boys (Bitcoin , Ethereum, EOS ) top league

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