There's treasure in the trash!

Hello dear hive community!

I first skipped, dumpster dived, trash picked, choose your local colloquialism, in 1994. For thirty years on and off i have been searching through the trash finding everything from food and clothes to laptops and sex toys!

Yesterday was a nice day despite almost 40°c. (I have actually blacked out into the trash in 40°c). I found a perfect pair of Sony wireless headphones and a nice Czech guy gave me some hand made jewelry from recycled plastic. Food wise I found a kilogram of gluten free pasta, onions and grapes, cheese, mayonnaise, donuts and crisps, mustard, soy sauce and several spices, a big jar of coffee, herbal teas and more besides.

I've been vegetarian for twenty years, vegan maybe two years and lived in vegan and raw vegan communities. If I could i would eat a predominantly raw vegan diet. But my life situation over the past few years, at times living entirely without money for months, has led me to freeganism. I will post in much more details about these subjects in coming blogs.

Much love
platypus pineapple

ps and how did i miss out the self declared best Christmas pudding ever! Matured eighteen months and found eight months later in September!

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