Interview with shwiftee of FUCKtoken

BitcoinDood: First off, thanks for taking the time to answer the questions for this
interview. Could you take a moment and introduce yourself, tell us a little
about the project you represent and your relationship to the project?

My pleasure dood! I go by shwifteey and I am the community manager and business developer for FUCK Token. My partner Jexprand, the creator of FUCK Token, takes care of the more technical aspects of smart contracts and other types of coding.

So I guess my first question is.. Why fuck token? What made you name your
token FUCK? I honestly can’t wait to see this hit exchanges just so I can
see FUCK listed.

Jexprand originally incepted FUCK Token in early June of this year after binge watching SouthPark. I think all of the swearing kind of gave him an epiphany. He posted his creation on Bitcointalk and I immediately saw the potential for this project. He was hesitant to turn FUCK Token into something real but I kept pushing him to the point of being annoying. Our main goal with FUCK is to give a real, tangible value to the word in the form of currency. It’s a surprisingly deep question: “How can you give a fuck, if there are no fucks to give?” We took that concept, applied our love for cryptocurrencies/Ethereum and gave birth to FUCK Token.


Before PIMPcash re-branded to OKcash I remember they got a lot of flack
from some of the different exchanges. Many took offense to the ticker PIMP.
How has the name been received by the cryptocurrency community, and have
you taken any flack for the ticker from different exchanges?

People either love FUCK Token or hate it. Exchanges have been very hesitant to list us (big surprise, I know). We have a lot of exchanges that want to be as professional as possible and don’t want the word FUCK all over their site. As our community grows, the exchanges are starting to realize that we are not a joke and some are easing up to the idea. As our tip bot rolls out I’m expecting exchanges to no longer give a fuck about our name and take notice that we are serious about creating something fun and valuable.

From what I understand this all started as an ICO. Why did you choose the
ICO model for your coin?

The main goal of our ICO was to raise funds to pay for exchange and marketing fees. Jexprand and I hit a point where we couldn’t afford some of the costs of taking FUCK Token to the next level. Now we have enough padding to pay for exchanges, market properly and hire developers. We set a hard cap because most ICOs ask for WAY too much money and end up ruining trust with their investors. We needed to show everyone that FUCK isn’t a money grab and we don’t need millions to bring it to the mainstream.


Recently the industry has been bombarded by ICO offer after ICO offer. What
are your thoughts on the ICO business model? Do you think it’s here to stay
or do you think this is just an industry trend that will eventually cool
off and fade away?

shwifteey: I think it is here to stay. It’s amazing that almost anyone can invest in a project or company without being heavily involved with investment firms. Your average person can now throw some money towards a company or idea that they believe in.

The ICO model is not perfect though. What bothers me is the current craze surrounding them. Companies don’t need hundreds of millions of dollars to build software that takes three months to build. Cryptocurrencies are highly speculative and a lot of people are going to get burned when companies don’t deliver on their promises. Once these sorts of letdowns are common, I expect the ICO craze to cool off. Investors will spend more time researching the fundamentals of the companies as the market gets over-saturated.


Many people are probably asking themselves if this is a parody token or
you’re actually serious about this project. Where do you stand with this?
Are you serious, just having fun or somewhere in the middle?

We are somewhere in the middle, leaning towards serious. Although, being serious about delivering our promises doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while doing it. We want people to enjoy the process of learning about cryptocurrencies. Sending someone a FUCK is still quite complicated to a newcomer: you need to understand Ethereum wallets, gas, tokens etc. Although the Doge creator hates me for using this, I picture FUCK Token as the Doge of Ethereum. We are going to deliver our product with a nice amount of fuckery and fun in the process. We know there is huge potential for introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency through tipping FUCKs. The name immediately grabs your attention, for better or worse.


ERC20 tokens are all the rage right now. What are your thoughts on ERC20
tokens? If someone told you they were considering using the ERC20 platform
for their next project, what would you tell them?

I am definitely biased on this question because I am a big fan of Ethereum. Part of the appeal for FUCK Token is that it is an ERC20 token and anyone can store it on their Ethereum wallet. For an altcoin trader or holder, having 50 different wallets can become a pain in the ass. I’d tell anyone starting an ERC20 token that they should thoroughly test their contract multiple times and have as many people check it as possible. Even companies raising millions of dollars have problems with their smart contracts.


It seems someone actually gave a fuck about The Dood… Actually a couple
fucks were found in The Dood’s Ethereum wallet. Besides people actually
wanting to give a fuck, is there a special purpose or use case you’re
trying to achieve with FUCK?

We’re leaving the door open for FUCK token use cases. Some community members have taken it upon themselves to send hackers 1 FUCK to show how they felt. These types of shenanigans are FUCK Token approved and encouraged. We’ll be pushing r/gonewild adoption of FUCK as their main tipping currency. I’m sure the ladies there will appreciate a tip of real money rather than an upvote. We’re also discussing the possibility of setting up a “Give a FUCK” charity, where anyone can donate money to a cause of their choice. The word “FUCK” has so much untapped potential and we are willing to explore any possible avenue that comes our way.

BitcoinDood: So you guys are actually working on tipbots and integrating use of the
token into various social medial platforms. Could you give us some reasons
why anybody would “give a FUCK” on social media, and what else can we
expect for your roadmap moving forward?

Right now our main focus is ironing out the details of our Reddit tip bot. We’ve noticed there is a large demand to give someone “No FUCKs”, so we’ve integrated burning of FUCKs into our bot. The concept is that you care so little about someone’s comment you are willing to light a couple FUCKs on fire, never to be seen again. This also acts as incentive for investors because the total supply of FUCKs on earth decreases. We are also creating a “Hall of FUCKs”, where the world’s biggest FUCKers and biggest burners will be showcased. I’m sure it would be nice to know you give the most (or least) FUCKs out of anyone in the world.

After our Reddit tip bot we’ll be focusing on Twitter. We have plans to create a Chrome plugin that simplifies the process of giving and receiving a FUCK on Twitter. Later down the line we’ll move towards Slack, Discord and Twitch.

Eventually we’d like to have a central hub where all of our tipping platforms are connected, kind of like a FUCK hub. That way you can link your accounts between bots and easily withdraw/add FUCKs to all social media platforms. We’re discussing integration with WordPress, so anyone can give a FUCK about your blog posts with a small widget on the bottom. We haven’t added these to our roadmap but we’ve got to keep people on their toes ya know?

You guys are currently in the process of getting listed on exchanges. Where
can people get some FUCK’s if they want them?

Currently FUCKs are available on Etherdelta and NovaExchange.



BitcoinDood: Thanks again for taking the time for this interview. Do you have anything
you would like to add about the project that hasn’t already been covered in
the interview?

I want to give a shout out to our tip bot developer, Dave-zilla. This guys is truly a coding wizard and has done more for FUCK Token than anyone else. Big ups Dave. Also, I want to thank you, Dood, for taking the time to interview us. We appreciate the Dood and all his work!


Thanks, I appreciate the kind words I end every interview with the same last question. Where do you see
cryptocurrency headed in the future? Any thoughts, trends or predictions
you can share on the future of cryptocurrency in general?

shwifteey: Without sounding like too much of moon-kid, I see crypto revolutionizing our society in ways we can’t even imagine yet. I think the general public will never care to understand it on a technical level but will use it every day- kind of like the internet. In 1977, you’d be called a fool for trying to explain what society is like today. For crypto, I don’t think anyone can predict which coin(s) will come out on top- all I know is we are in for one hell of a ride over the next 10 years

Thanks again to shwifteey for the great interview. If you’d like to find out more about FUCK token you can check out these links here:

Hope you all enjoyed this FUCKing interview. This article first appeared on my blog at on 8/25/17 My Steemit verified badge is proudly displayed in my sidebar as POD or Proof Of Dood. Thanks for reading this article in it's entirety, please leave your Ethereum address in the comments for some free FUCKS!

Giveaway complete! I was using and was getting to many errors. All transactions looked up on chain. If you didn't receive your FUCK's DM me on twitter

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