altcoin marathon #13- RISE


Rise is currently ranked ~146th on market cap and is worth ~3100 satoshi. The coin is a delegate proof of stake that is similar to Lisk. Chosen delegates get to forge Rise coins at a specific rate for the first five years. On the sixth year and beyond no future Rise to be created. Therefore the total of a little over 147 million Rise will ever exist. Rise is basically a hard fork of Lisk. Rise was introduced around the same time as Lisk in 2016.

However Rise has not gain as much traction as Lisk. Likely do to development of the Rise platform is somewhat lagging versus Lisk. Just my assumption. So what does Rise really have to offer?

Rise is designed to be a smart contract token that can accept many different codes to work on its blockchain. As Lisk is only associated to javascript, Rise is the same plus it can support python, C#, Ruby, and Java. My understanding is Rise is better than Ethereum because of these multiple software develop kits. However price of coin has not risen as much as the hype. Note I say hype because the platform is still developing.

The coin has various future growth such as a chipz which is a token within Rise platform that is used for gambling purposes. Imagine buying a coin that has in its road map an expectation of a fork. It is like interest on top of interest earned. No date disclosed as to when chipz will be introduced.

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