The Best Crypto Investment Advice ever from a Railway Worker

The Best Crypto Investment Advice ever from a Railway Worker

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Lately we have been seeing a lot of turmoil in the market, with a lot of downward trends happening over the short term. With all this happening people started to panic and sell their hard earned crypto's.

What is the best thing to do in hard times like this???? As an experienced Railway Worker I have the best advice ever!!

Open an ice cold beer of your choice, sit back, take a few slow sips and relax!! Wait until all this blows over.

Oh yes scroll down to the bottom of this post for some interesting graphs, on where the markets are heading!!






If you have consumed just the right amount of beers, and you concentrate on the bubbles, you will note that a few graphs appear and by extrapolating the bubbles and the graphs you will see an upward trend emerging, after the low was reached, with our target right off the top of the glass - the sky is the limit!! If you wait long enough the bubbles will dissipate and the price of our beloved crypto's will rise again!!

Please note, I am a Railway Worker and knows nothing about investments, thus if you follow my advice you do it at your own risk!! Cheers!!

All photos were taken by me with my iPhone, except where the source is given.

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