3 Reasons to Make People Uncomfortable. Article for Men.

A few days ago I introduced the talk tactic youtube channel. See the latest vid below.

In the above Video Michael Angelo describes an instance of making someone Uncomfortable.

Modern Males have typically been taught to make others (especially women) feel comfortable at all costs. Often at the expense of those Men feeling Uncomfortable.

Today I'm giving 3 reasons why it is Necessary for Men to make people Uncomfortable although there are certainly many more reasons.

Reason 1. A Man Protects Himself from Disrespect.

There are multiple types of Disrespect. There is Disrespect between genders. There is passive Disrespect and Aggressive Disrespect. Talk Tactic has an Exclusive Video about Disrespect that has not been Released to the Public. In our video about Disrespect that is made especially for Men we discuss different types of Disrespect and How a Man handles Disrespect. What I will say here is that Disrespect makes it Necessary for Men to react to a Disrespectful Person in a way that causes said person to feel Uncomfortable.

The Only way you can Access that Video is by contacting us Directly.


Reason 2. Competition Anxiety.

A High Value Man is in a Desirable Position he (likely) worked hard to achieve. Men will naturally see you as Competition. Women will see other Women competing For you. A High Value Man has a Healthy Amount of Competition Drive. Competition is by Nature Uncomfortable. No one achieves Greatness by being Comfortable. That person must go through much Discomfort to grow and to an extent this is projected on your Inner Circle.

Reason 3. He Makes His Mission a Priority.

A Man on a Mission has a Driving Purpose in life. He's more concerned about the Direction of his Life than the rest of the World and rightly so. He has Much Greater CONTROL over the direction of his life than the rest of the World, therefore he has a greater Responsibility to his own Personal Mission than he does to the Comfort or Discomfort of someone else.

To have a better understanding of the lack of Mission in our society this is insightful: Ask 3 people you deal with what is their Mission for the next 5 years and the next 10 years and see how they respond or if they are have any response.

Just be warned there is a high probability you will Make them Uncomfortable.

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