Alone - The Artic - "Ice Breaker" - Episode #1 on Netflix

I think I might have found my new favorite show to binge-watch. A friend of mine told me about Netflix's Alone. Even though it was getting late, my wife and I watched two episodes before going to bed.

This post contains spoilers!!! Proceed with caution!!!

The Arctic.png
Image by Noel Bauza from Pixabay

Alone is currently airing its sixth season. The premise of the show is to outlast all of your competitors while living in a challenging, remote location. Some contestants talk about how they want to prove themselves and their survival skills, but I am guessing that the half-million-dollar prize would be life-changing.

The location for this season is in the Arctic. Each contestant is placed at a remote location about 75 miles south of the Arctic tree line.

Each contestant is responsible for carrying up to 65 lbs of camera equipment at any given time. The contestants are really alone (no camera people). In addition to camera equipment, every contestant is allowed to bring 10 survival items.

An emergency radio is also provided. If there is a medical emergency or a contestant chooses not to be "alone" any longer, the contestant may "tap out" by radioing a team for pickup.

The Alone Disclaimer

This Program Features Trained Survival Experts
Do Not Attempt Yourself
Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Quote of the Episode

Our food lies ahead of us and death stalks us from behind."
~ Ernest Shackleton

Beginning of Episode

10 Contestants

Contestants in the Episode

NameAgeHome Town
Woniya42Grass Valley, CA
Nathan39Lopez Island, WA
Brady36San Antonio, TX
Barry39Fort Collins, CO
Nikki44Echo Bay, Canada
Tim55Lubbock, TX


  • Nikki spots a lynx near her camp. As an endangered species in Canada, lynx are on the no-hunt list. I guess Nikki will have to find another way to find food.
  • Alone features b-footage of the Northern Lights. There is something magical about their colorful glow in the night sky. The Northern Lights are caused when particles from the sun penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Nathan catches the first fish of the season, at least the first shown on camera. He used a gill net to catch a nice-sized lake trout. Everyone is working hard to find food as they prepare for a rough winter.


  • One contestant did not bring a Ferro rod. A Ferro rod is a fire-starting tool. This is the first time in six seasons of Alone that a contestant did not bring a Ferro rod. Hopefully the contestant's confidence in making fire accurate, otherwise, this will be a very cold winter or a short appearance on the show.
  • Sleeping in the wilderness was challenging for some, especially when a night visitor showed up.
  • "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words ...." - I should have seen this one from a mile away. A contestant says something about the treacherous terrain, and moments later something tragic happens. I will let you watch to fill in the rest of the details
  • An early snowfall freaks out all of the contestants. The contestants thought they had weeks to prepare for the harsh weather. Sometimes, mother nature has other plans.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to reality TV, this looked more real than most. Having said that, I know that TV show editors probably took artistic license to make a more compelling edit.

Alone does a great job of using music to make a moment more intense. I will definitely be watching more of Alone. They definitely build on the suspense of what might happen, but they are not afraid of showing what has happened. If you are grossed out by blood (human or animal) or bodily functions, then Alone might not be the right choice for you.

By The End of The Episode

9 Contestants

I want to hear from you

  1. How are your survival skills?
  2. Would you be willing to spend months on end all alone in any setting?

Thanks for stopping by!

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