Howdy Steemit! - @mericanhomestead introduced me!


Salutations Steemians!

My name is James & Hello from Oregon!

I'm a fairly new user, I have been here for about a month, but I'm just getting around to my introduction. It took me a while to write this, because writing about myself is probably my worst subject. So here it goes:

First, I'd like to thank @mericanhomestead for introducing us to the amazing Steemit community! Before them, I thought STEEM was just another cryptocurrency.
(Check out their website for even more awesome content:


A little about me:

Formost I'm a crypto-nut. I love collecting, mining, & earning cryptocurriencies! I have a day job, but thats to pay the bills, & doesn't leave much left over for non-necessities. So I mine & earn whatever I can online. Every moment I'm not focused on a task, I'm thinking about cryptocurriencies in some way. Mostly STEEM now since its one I can actually use & not just an arbituary store of value.

together with her

I have a wonderful fiancée, who's supportive, but has no interest in cryptocurrencies. However, I was able to convince her to join Steemit. She's a highly reviewed professional dog trainer starting her own independent business. So I'm excited to see what she posts. (IF her account ever gets approved.)

We have a shared interest in homesteading. We feel we have become too dependant on society to provide, what we could do for ourselves. Who really knows what the long term effects of all those perseritives & colors are anyway?


Tiny homes are an interest too. Who doesn't like the idea of "cleaning house" taking only 10 minutes? When you think about it, we typically live with a lot of stuff. How much of that stuff do you actually need, & of that, how much of it could be stored away? When you boil it down to the essientals, I don't think we need even half as much space as we normally do.

I have 2 dogs, a cat, a ferret, & a fish. We love our pets & our pets love us. (The fish is a survivor from the aquaponics experiment, maybe I'll write more about that another day.)

That's about 90% of who I am. I'll leave the other 10% for future posts, so you'll just have to keep reading!

Thank you!

Thank you for reading & commenting. Keep STEEM'n!

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