Our world has never been a reliable place, the reality is that until now we have been fighting relentlessly against something that seems to be inscribed in our DNA: LIE.

Obviously, no one can be totally sincere in life. There are superfluous things that do not matter to others, things in your personal life that we can not go telling everyone. That's good, it's good to have your own secrets. The problem is when you decide to compromise your word on something important and then let all the crafty demons you carry inside end up with the reputation you were just beginning to build.

We have all missed our word at some point.
Admittedly, I have often betrayed a commitment that I have acquired and I have had to deal with the consequences of it. From losing friends or ruining the trust that people have in me, to having to carry the brand of "unreliable person." I learned hard.

Fortunately it never happened to me in situations of high importance or in projects of magnitude. At the right moment I was able to make the decision to learn from my mistakes and to stop throwing to shit every new goal that I proposed.

Some things that I learned to not miss my word more were:

Learning to say no: engaging in more things that you can embrace will always take you to the brink of stress, and in some, you end up failing or doing it wrong.
Take time to think things over: in order to be able to say no to something, I have to have the foresight to always think things through a couple of times. Seriously, making hot decisions is often not successful. You better get home, take a shower and think if you really are willing to go for that project they propose.
Organize my priorities: when I do not have clear the things for which I want to give all my effort and for which I would, mmmm, but not so much, this will result in my lack of focus for the things that I love and that, in addition, really deserve To get to work.
The world needs trust.

Everyone, even those who contribute to make the world an unreliable place, are hungry to find some corner that gives us some peace of mind.
Politicians, governments, companies, friends and couples. Everyone fails.

It seems that there is no truce ...

In fact, because of this, technologies like Blockchain are born, because humans already accept that we can not trust each other directly and we need a kind of artificial intelligence to complement us.

Yes, I think the same, it is unfortunate that I can not put a Blockchain to your partner. For now ... 😒 😒 😒

The chain of blocks, while an excellent alternative to build trust in many human activities, can never completely replace the need for us, the beloved Homo sapiens, to try to be more honest, transparent and trustworthy.

The idea is that we put into practice every day a little honesty and trustworthiness, believe me, it will benefit you in all areas of your life. Yes. Including Steem (it). This is a place where everything is based on a reputation systems. It is not necessary to scam to grow here, what you need is to give, and give with quality.

Honesty is a very expensive gift, do not expect it from cheap people.
Have you ever had problems with honesty or been involved with someone who can not be trusted at all? I would like to read you about it, see you in the comments

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