Allotment24 - 2021 Harvest & Update

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Hi Hivers,

It's been a few months since I posted due to a laptop issue! However I am back and have some time to post now that the allotment has been put to bed for the year.

I had a fantastic crop this year due to a larger diversity of seeds and plants.

As usual, I did the 4 bed rotation which seems to work for me.

You can see my previous updates below

Preparing The Shed Area & Topping Up Beds

Sowing Seeds and Potting On

Seedling Update

Planting The 3 Sisters Bed

All Planted - Full Systems Go!

Bed 1

Bed number 1 was a pretty active bed this year, there are still some leeks and red cabbage overwintering and ready to harvest at any time.

Below is the Kale and Chard - I am not doing chard next year despite I love the richness of the colour I never eat it. The Kale was really good however needed to be covered with butterfly netting as it just attacked from day 1!

Lesson learnt for next year.
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The beetroot in this photo is doing really well. My Grandma who is 85 has been pickling my beetroot almost weekly throughout summer. She couldn't get enough of it!

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I wasn't planning on doing brassicas this year but the mood took me. I had a good harvest of Broccoli albeit small heads.

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Cluster grown beetroot - This was the first year growing this way it worked well.

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My overwintering weedy leeks! Looking forward to eating these on toast with wholegrain mustard and cheese!

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Bed 2

This was a quiet bed this year. I harvested the potatoes and the Garlic and then it was pretty much empty. I did try to start some salad greens however I neglected them and the tomatoes I planted as well.

Mt Garlic harvest was good however the bulbs were smaller due to rust infection. However, as you can see I was still left with a good quantity.

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Bed 3

The Squash and Courgette Bed, well it ended up being the Squash, courgette and Cucumber bed due to a misidentification during planting. Thought they were squash but ended up being cucumbers and boy oh boy did I have a massive crop of cucumbers. Over 150 I handed out to friends, ate and gave to my local veg shop!

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The big winter squashes here weighed in at I think 11kg and 13kg! Biggest I have ever grown.

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Cucumbers!! This is the last of the harvest and there is still loads left I think I counted over 40!

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Lino stealing a courgette and munching on it ha ha

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Leaf Floor!

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Looking very proud with my squash =D

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Bed 4

Bed number 4 was the 3 sisters bed! This bed was full to busting with Corn, Patty Pan Squashes, Courgettes, 3 different types of beans, butternut squash and rouge chard!

Here is me sampling my mini cucumbers which I thought at this point was my only cucumber plant, little did I know ha ha!

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First time growing corn and it tasted so much better than corn you but in the supermarket. I was really pleased with how well it germinated each kernal.

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These were my Barlotti Beans - never grew these before either
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Corn with the beans and mangetout growing up and then my climbing bean tipis!
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Didn't see this Patty Pan growing near the bottom was huge!

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View from the plot over the summer months.

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Climbing Beans!

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Bed number 3 in peak season.
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Early photo for comparison
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Harvest Throughout The Season

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And now its all wrapped away for winter. I have planted any onion or garlic this winter as I have had to concentrate on DIY in the house. Plenty to look forward to next year though!

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1 column