The Living Dream

I now have the time to tell the story of "The Living Dream", and how it all happened.
No fame or fortune but a just a slow plan of hard work, opportunity and belief.

The beliefs that kept me driven and alive through my life are still what I am counting on to keep me alive and focused today. That is, to Praise Jesus Christ as Lord and acknowledge my only way to God The Father is through the recognition of Jesus Christ as His Son, The Son Of God. And to give thanks to God for His protection and continuing guidance throughout my life, here in this world.

I have always believed in Life After Death.
The reflection of Christ Jesus in my dreams and in life is manifest of it's self and God's Love. When I began to understand that that the only real truth is what you believe in, I started searching for religion only to find God in many Houses, and in those Houses are similar messages.

"And to that, only that which is good shall I hold to my heart."

Centuries of past interpretations of life's historical texts have great power and influence on culture. Traditions of race and religion, locally, nationally, internationally are all to be respected and should continue as the celebrations they are. Sometimes happy and sometimes sad but all bringing the emotion of those who have past into the present, into this life.

The world is a truly diverse place where Love and Joy and the seeking of happiness is still the overwhelming drive of mankind. And note, that this time now is just a blimp in the measure of Eternity. If you believe in eternity than be aware that today is just another day. Be aware, Enjoy Life, have fun and look out for loved ones and other people.

Try and live by example, look for positive mentors and role models. Allow your Heart to be open to the possibilities of receiving God, and the Wisdom that comes into your heart and mind everyday.

The best reason I am joining #steemit is because I would be mad if I didn't . If I didn't use Steemit once knowing of the benefits of getting on the block chain, I would be CRaZy! Censorship free! Judged by your peers and rewarded for your contributions and for your time on the net. It is an absolute #nobrainer

As well, You can find all my stuff here. More importantly, I can find all my stuff here. Logged, into the blockchain for eternity. For the promotion of God and Man.

Here is a bit of my story and hopefully there will be more to come.

"My Thoughts Are All My Own" - David Cosgrave


The continuing story, and to the past, the best of my recollections,.

"My parents moved to Avalon late in the 1950's. With 5 young children in tow, they built a modest 3 bedroom double brick home. Unbreakable in brick and warm in love this house was to be home for all 9 of us children. Through the ever-changing times of the 60s 70s 80s and 90's.
At child number 8, my role as a kid was to escape the spotlight, buy smokes for my old man stay out of trouble, but get away with as much as possible. The oldies, i.e. Mum & Dad, had somewhat softened by the time I was in my tweens. With 9 children between the ages of 5 yrs - 22 yrs, it sure would have been hard work for both of them bringing us all up with the same amount of love and care."

For a glimpse at what Avalon Beach NSW Australia would have been like in the early days visit Avalon Beach Historical Society

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