SilverBloggers Tag and updates on ListNerds, HE Node, etc...


Yesterday I put out a call for tags I could be using. I want to thank everyone, and it was a lot of you, for all your suggestions. @beststart had a suggestion for me that in my old age I kinda liked the name. SilverBloggers. I am assuming after a quick look that it is for silver haired people, us old people. lol. Hope I am not wrong. Seeing I can now get a seniors discount at the drug stores. Lets give this new tag a roll.

ListNerds. Holy mothers frack. So good to have my Enterprise level back. First day in a long time, and one of the few that I hit over 2000 Nerds in one day! Blow my mind.

Now the fun part, trying to work my way back up that RichList.


Before I forget I have to share the link to this post: Why I think everyone should start creating content on Hive & Leofinance by @thisismylife.

Every now and then a post grabs me way above any other post I have read. And this one nailed it for me. Give it a read. It just might inspire you and blow your mind.

My Hive-Engine Node. As of this writing I am at number 26. You need to be in the top 20 to be earning some real good income. And of course that is everyone's goal. I have a lot of work to do to get there. I need your support. But I do want to thank everyone for their support so far. THANK YOU.


I got myself up to 51 staked WorkerBee now. Doing my 2 a day buy. Not only am I helping myself with supporting the node. I am building my portfolio on the Hive.

Keep on Grinding people.



List Nerds

Don't forget to check out the The PIzza Plan

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Don't forget to check out our Curation Trail

Have a super positive day everyone.


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