i am impatient and patient all at the same time. What about you?


I believe, I believe I am so close to having everything, all the hiccups, worked out. I am now the owner of two servers. One is going to be for the light node and one for the BBH tipping bot. I cannot wait till everything is back up and running. I am super excited.

But this leads me to my title. I am impatient. I have learned that. I want things done now. lol. But I am also patient at the same time. I understand that things will get done, and in a timely manner and all will be good.

I assume it is just wanting things to be done and working.

I don't have any wonders of advice to give this morning.

I would like to ask you to take a close look at my branding graphic that I put up everyday. I know things become common place and over time you don't see the information contained. But there is a reason I use this graphic everyday. It shows you the main things I am doing on Hive and online.

Links are always in my footer.

I have to leave for work early today. We are down one person on the service desk. I have to go shopping before work. Always lots for me to do.


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Have a super positive day everyone.


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