Read this carefully

Ths photo is lifted from the internet wth permisson.
The key to success is not just hard work but hard work at what ? Anyone can work hard at anything and still be plagued by a grating feeling of inadequacy and failure. Social networking for instance is just as important as work ethics, if not more important. Now that's something to work hard on alongside honing ones technical capability. We need people to connect and recommend us for opportunities, open doors for us and speak well of us in rooms we're life changing decisions are being taken. One needs the skill to build new relationships while managing and successfully maintaining the old ones. This too is hard work, and something worth working hard on. Integrity is key to build and earn the trust of people who can assist you up the ladder of success.

No one place their resources (time, money, wisdom, friendship) at the disposal of a person they can't trust. Being a man of ones word is hard work until it becomes second nature. Also one needs to develop the capacity to spot opportunity for growth. Trained eyes that see beyond the obvious and an action oriented disposition that makes the most of moments. That too is hard work. It takes time and experience to sharpen insight and foresight.

#Alive #Aliveandthriveing #leofinance #art

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