Alive and Thriving 3/8/2023- Persistence

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Yesterday I talked about discipline and it's importance as a virtue. It's sister virtue is persistence, which is the pursuit of a goal through life's trials. Life's trials can be intense, and being persistent is essential to life and thriving in it.

Persistence is key towards thrivingng in life. Persistence is the dogged pursuit of a goal.

Persistence pairs well with patience as a virtue. When we pursue goals we have to give it time and effort. Growing up we always hear that we have to pursue our goals and not give up and that is persistence in a nutshell. Persistence is a bit more complicated than that. oftentimes when we pursue a goal we have to take concrete actions that make up persistence. Oftentimes it's involves reskilling, building relationships, looking at circumstances in a different light and figuring out where we stand in our plans.

Currently in my life I am persistently pursuing online business success. I have been selling things online for about 3 years now and it's getting easier and more predictable. Personally when I started selling I almost gave up after I encountered some scammers and some losses. If I didn't pursue the business with persistence, I would never know how rewarding it could be. I have a philosophy I live by that involves giving any new venture one year's time to see if it can work.

it's important to pursue your goal and be persistent even if things aren't working out at this time. I remember hearing the story of Busta Rhymes, one of the founders of the East Coast Hip Hop movement. Busta Rhymes never made any money off of his music until he had been in the game for 10 long years. Now that's persistence. Can you imagine doing something for 10 years and not getting any money for it? Building yourself up and positioning yourself in your plans can pay off massively. This just goes to show that you need some kind of a plan, and I am a huge proponent of written plans because what gets written gets done.

We may be heading into hard times coming up. Layoffs are rising as interest rates are.

Thank you for reading my blog. May you have a blessed day and may you thrive.

#alive #aliveandthriving #wearealive

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