👽 Possible Whistle Blower Claims to Have Done Autopsies on Aliens 👾

This is a full-length episode of Cosmic Disclosure, where David Wilcock interviews Emery Smith, who claims to have autopsied some 3,000 different types of Extraterrestrial Species.

Note: No Real evidence is presented, no pictures, videos, body parts, anything solid we can examine all we have is his word, which is either the truth or a very good actor telling a story.

I want to share it because it's good to know what could be happening, but the fact is David Wilcock (the host) works at Gaia who charges people to watch these videos, plus they put on events where people have to pay for tickets to go see, so there's a lot of money involved here, so much for doing it for humanity.

A Well Known CIA Pilot Claims That The Moon Has 250 Million Citizens

Looks like an older version of actor Bill Paxton 😕

As far back as 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, created a hypothesis suggesting that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. Fast forward to today, and we have former high-ranking members of the military and intelligence agencies sharing their knowledge with regards to strange things that are happening on the Moon. A few examples are listed in the article linked below.

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