My Thoughts On "Aliens"

There are those who do not believe in aliens and that man is alone in the universe. There are those who believe in aliens and that man is not alone in the universe. And then there are those who do not know what to believe. What you believe in, is strictly an individual and personal matter. You can share, or not. That is up to you.  

I have many friends who think that aliens are like all the other “fairy tales” or mystic stories that are just fantasy, told as entertainment. They do not believe in other dimensions, such as are told in the “fairy tales”. An example would be the story of an Irish man who was walking down a wooded path on his way home after an evening of drinking. The man was surprised to see, what he describes as the mythical Fairy, a winged female type looking creature. He tells how the Fairy took him through an opening, or doorway, that appeared on the side of the path and into an unseen world, or dimension, that was not like anything he knew of on earth. While there, he saw many fascinating things and beings that were previously unknown to him. After what seemed like just a few minutes, he was led back through the opening, that suddenly appeared, placing him back in his place and time, on the path from which he was originally when he was walking towards his home. Amazed and somewhat confused, the man continued on his way homeward. The first thing he notice that had change about his journey home was that he was very exhausted, hungry and thirsty. When he finally made it home, his family was surprised and over joyed with his return. As they greeted him, they wanted to know where he had been for so long. It seems, he had been missing for days. What felt to him to be only a few minutes, off the path with the fairy, was in fact days to everyone else. Real or just fantasy?  

There are many stories of strange meetings between man and other worldly beings that defy our basic knowledge and understanding of our world. These stories can be found in almost every country. They are told by all peoples around the world and throughout history. Reality to us is not what is portrayed in these stories. Thus it becomes easy to see why so many people believe that these types of stories are just that, stories from a vivid imagination.  

I was raised in a very religious family and was told about God, angles, demons and other creators that were not mortal or visible in our world, as we know it. Just the same, they are very much so like mystical creatures. I was also told that all other stories about other “gods” or mystical creatures were untrue. However, it occurred to me, that if I, or anyone for that matter, could believe in “divine” creatures as presented in one’s religion, good or evil, why would it be so hard to believe in other types of “mythical” creatures? Then my thoughts brought me to questioning immortality and divinity in and of itself. I know I am not the only one with questions, nor the first. But these questions haunt me and have done so for a very long time. I longed for proof. Religion began to present itself with more questions than answers and the proof presented in religious teachings depended more on “faith” rather than proof. Not to discount religion, “faith” is a required thing for most religions and the benefits it brings to the individual, as well as society, as a whole, cannot be overlooked.  

Through the years, I have come to conclude, that there is more to our world than meets the eye, as the saying goes. The more I learn about the world, the solar system and our universe, the more I realize that I know and understand so little. The questions continue to increase far faster and in more profound ways than the answers do. My mind can only be focused on so little, compared to what is out there. I can simply focus on such a small amount. I must accept that some topics cannot occupy my time and others can. One such topic that does occupy my interest is “Aliens”.  

For those who do not believe, or do not want to believe, that is ok with me. I do understand that the subject is not for all. As for myself, I find it impossible to ignore the overwhelming evidence that there are beings who have and are visiting our planet. Beings who are not originally from this planet. Religions of the world are in fact very impressive clues, by themselves. After all, almost all religions tell of god, or the gods, coming down from the heavens to man, and that they came from other than earth. For starters, that makes them aliens, divine or not. Another massive clue would be the Universe itself. There are billions upon billions of galaxies, each with billions upon billions of stars and solar systems which contain many planets each. The odds of our earth, in our solar system, being the only one with life, yet alone, intelligent life, seems impossible. I find it more likely that, we are the continuation, or result of, life from other planets and that we are not alone. Even the religions of the world tell of how life was created by a god here on earth, as was man. Believe what you will, but it would appear that life, and/or intelligent life, is not limited to earth nor intelligence limited to just man.  In addition, further evidence can be found through out history in the form of art, writings, artifacts, cultures all around the world.  If you want to see, it is not hidden, you just have to look with an open mind. The clues are there.  

An example of some “in your face” clues are the massive structures found all over the world that were built thousands of years ago. We are taught that man used primitive tools to make, move and construct massive structures. We are told they did this in a way and in a time frame that we cannot duplicate today. Some structures we cannot build today despite our modern tools and heavy moving equipment. And yet, we are to believe primitive man did this with inferior hand tools and the sweat of their brow. The obvious clue is that primitive man could not build those fantastic buildings with their methods and tools. Someone or something other than primitive man had a hand in the construction. Aliens? Gods? Mythical creatures? Would aliens and/or s be the same as mythical creatures? After all, God is real in one’s religion where as a god in another religion would be considered a myth.  Some believe that aliens are a myth. It depends on your point of view and beliefs.  

As for myself, I do not have a definitive answer. But I see a lot of evidence that indicates there are more dimensions than we can see or understand and that the one we live in, is not the only one. I also see evidence that there are beings that are not divine here on earth that are not from here. Some in our dimension and some not. I am convinced that man is not the most intelligent life form here on earth. I a also convinced that there is life outside our solar system. I may not have the definitive proof required by most, but I think my beliefs are a very good educated guess. You could say I have “faith”.  

Well, for now, that is my thoughts on Aliens. Yours maybe different. After all, we are all individuals with our own way of looking at the things around us. I thank you for reading my posted thoughts. If you have comments, feel free to post them.  

McDowell, 11/02/2018   

Think loudly if you must, but at least think!  

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