"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge by @blog-fictions


Hey Steeamians,

Happy Hump Day to you all!! How's everybody doing today!?

So I was challenged by the lovely ladies @eveningart and @ravijojla to complete the "Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge by @blog-fictions! So that's literally a Double Dare!! The original challenge has passed, but we thought we'd go ahead anyway since it's just a fun way to get to know each other! Plus how could I possibly back out of a double dare!!!

You can find the @eveningart' entry here and @ravijojla's right here. The original challenge post can also be found here if you are interested in knowing more!

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let me tackle these 10, rather invasive, questions!!

Disclaimer: The following post is not for the uptight reader. The authour of this post takes no responsibility if readers are weirded out.

1. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

So much pressure on this one!!! Just one day!!! I guess it would have to be Rey, the first female Jedi! I would save the world, go on adventures with my bb8 droid and know what it's like to be badass and kick some but!

2. What would you do on Mars for fun?

I can tell you what I won't be doing, and that's planting potatoes!!! Stargazing and bouncing around with @eveningart! (because that is the best answer and you can't get better than that!)

3. If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

Definitely one of these bouncy suits!!! Because come ooooonnn!! How much fun would that be!!!

4. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words

Soft. Sensual. Lingering

5. What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

Eyes!!! I am without a doubt an eye girl! The colour (green is my favourite) and the story behind them! You can tell a lot about someone from their eyes!

6. If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?

Back to where to all began!! I'll tell knock the apple out of Eve's hand and give that sister a slap! That will solve all the world's problems!

7. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

That penguin man from batman really lived in the drains and he would come out of the toilet pot and bite my butt!

8. Do you believe in aliens and why?

I believe in the seen and unseen. So why not aliens, plus have you seen the way some people behaved? They must have been abducted, it's the only rational explanation! LOL

9. Tell me about something you really regret

Losing my level of fitness I had 3 years ago!! I was like a little machine! I could just go and go!!! Best feeling ever!

10. Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?

Many things in the world do not make sense, but these questions were not some of them!!

Shoo that was a mouthful! And I thought I would knock it out quickly! To carry on the trend I challenge the following people: @chekohler, @onefatindian, @dreemsteem, @haritakurdu, and @tamala (she's been waaaay tooooo quiet!!)!! Come on, I dare you!!

By The By: I'm pleased to report that the sun is shining once again, and the cold is slowly slipping away! Whoop Whoop!!! Spring is almost here!

Much Love From Sunny Cape Town, @mimismartypants

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