Truth or Dare Challenge by @blog-fictions


The great @blog-fictions has done it again with her trending challenges. Last time the WW Family joyfully did the Let's get to Know Each Other Challenge!

So today, I was nominated by the bubbly Sassy of WW Family Miss @saffisara and the Truth or Dare Challenge Initiator herself Miss #blog-fictions.. Challenge Accepted!

You can found Miss @saffisara post over HERE.

and @blog-fictions right HERE.

I Choose TRUTH!!!! I could not find any embarrassing pictures of me... I might have deleted it before you can even see them.. bleeh!

1. When was the last time you cried and why?

Skärmavbild 2014-12-08 kl. 14.03.14.png.jpg

I think itwas just the other day, when Little Mali bit my nips while he was feeding on me. Arrghhhhhhh! I screeched in pain!! I silently cried and tried to console my aching booby..And I looked down at him, he was crying too! I often wonder why my baby cried harder as I was. Was he the one in pain??? Helloooooo! You bit me!!

We ended up hugging each other...

2. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?


I think I need someone to clean the house, do the laundry, cook meals and probably take care of the baby. So I could have more time here on Steemit! ahahahaha.. or I could get a body massage.. Yes! I do want that.. like right now!

3. What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

Not that its the most that I'm scared of... but that is the first thing came to my mind. I just couldn't take those oogly eyes staring back at me and those eight-spidery legs crawling over me.... eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk!!!

On a serious note, I am truly afraid of DEATH! Maybe because my kids are still young and I want to watch them grow and do more things with them.

4. Power to fly or power to be invisible? Why?

FLYING of course! I want to see the from one place to the next.. this saves you from expensive airline tickets! haha..

It would be fun if all your friends and family can fly too. We'd fly together and form a V in the air just like ducks do.. I wonder too why it has to be a V, not X or Y or even Z. Do watch the Duck Duck Goose Movie, it will help you enlighten why. I watched it with Kuya Maque, he enjoyed it a lot!

5. If you only had a minute to get out of your house, what would you grab and why?

This KID of course! hahaha.. He cant walk still by himself, he walks so slow. So instantly I would grab him at 5 seconds. Then i'll tag the big brother at my other arm.

6. If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit, who would it be and why?

hmmmm... its a tough one... But good thing, my twin sister @twodorks is already in Steemit! Hahahaha because insisted that she joined! I miss her terribly already, its been almost three years that she left us here in the Philippines. This year she promised she'd come home, but unfortunately the visit has been postpone to next year! booohoooo.. I haven't seen his youngest child and so is she with mine.

7. The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

I think there are a lot of smart people here on Steemit not just one... and they call themselves WITNESSESS.

I wish to know them more and other witnesses too.

8. The funniest person on on steemit according to you is?

I could never get enough of her giggles! That is no other than Miss @dreemsteem!!! Have anyone not yet heard her giggles or her laughs??? Oh my! you should.. her laugh is soooo contagious. He lighten up everyone's mood.

In the WW House, she always starts the day with a smile. Then the giggles follow. There is no dull moment with her. Its evident the way she respond in your comments.. I think she is the Queen sole user of LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL hahahahaha... like everyday I lost count of how many times she used that!

She has the biggest heart and the warmest laughter...

9. Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone on steemit!

I think I talk too much, comment much here and there... I pretty had said almost everything in Steemit..

There's nothing to reveal something to someone... unless he/she is a WHALE! I do want to whisper and say a little request.

*Pssssstt... yes you! can i?? can you lend me some of your SP so I could get to MINNOW already! hahahaha...


10. Your crush on steemit would be?

*It's a secret! ssssshhhhhhhhhh... they doesnt know it yet... ooooopppps! Yep! you read it right... I dont have ONE, but lots... hahahaha.. we are not delimited on having just one right, so make the most of it.. have them all hahahahaa...


11. What's the first thing that comes to mind about me?

hmmmmmm.... i dont know you that well. But i do find your post daring (because of your challenges), genuine and witty.. that's for sure.. I'd like to know you better though.. :)




  • You can choose either "Truth" or "Dare" or choose both if you want and make a post on it:)

  • Use the main hashtag as alicedaretruth

  • All are free to participate. Nomination is not compulsory

  • You need to nominate two or more people for the challenge to continue forward

  • Every post to contain the link to my original post

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY : Feel free to change the "Dare" and "Truth" challenges as you seem fit when you nominate someone. Or you can keep it the same as below its your choose :)

I nominate my WW Family....

Let's keep this going this week guys! I cant wait to read your posts!!!!!!

Have FUN! Do the DARE or spare us some TRUTHS!!!!!

just me,




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