Alzheimers is shitty

For 2 years plus I have witnessed my wife, Wendy's, gradual decline into a memory blank where almost instantly she will have forgotten a brief thing such as making a cuppa or to take the pills I've left in the weekly pill-box.
She refuses to seek medical help although she is very aware of the decline that will eventually happen through witnessing her mum and aunties fall to the same fate.
What to do?
Earlier this year we went to Anarchpulco and I added the Health & Wellness itinerary hoping to gain any insight that would help. Fortunately there were many such presentations, all with the single message "its curable!"
I've stopped buying cheap food from the supermarkets, stopped buying non-organic veg and have sought organic meat too. We have coconut oil in cooking and on toast instead of margarine type spreads and its very nice!
Has there been an impact? not sure but the decline seems to have halted.
Now for the biggy, I've booked us both to have our amalgam fillings replaced via dental tourism in Slovakia. We fly to Vienna on May 20th and get picked up by clinic transport to Bratislava and our Air BnB for the week. I don't need my mouth assaulted but have elected to undergo treatment in support of Wendy. We were quoted £90-£150 per filling by our dentist bratislava.jpg
which doesn't include any beautiful scenery, flights or accommodation.
The clinic have quoted €1722 all in for treating us both
Afterwards we will need to opt for private dental treatment at home as the NHS will wash their hands of us which isn't such a loss as it is they that decreed we would have mercury poison in the first place.

Everything crossed that once we have recovered and can eat and talk again, Wendy's memory will rapidly improve.
Will keep you posted.

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