Take Me To The Other Side!

Not an early adoptter by any means, I picked up an Alexa for my drive to work.


I found myself bored with music during my daily commute and started to explore the different "skills" that the Amazon Alexa offers hands-free while I was driving. I initially gravitated toward the things that interest me and games were my first choice. I enabled quite a few skills before I found one that was intriticate enough to hold my attention. The game was Dungeon Adventure and I played it until the very end. I killed the Lich King and loved every minute of it. Having reached the end of the game I tried to go back and play it again, but the second time around the game was sort of been there done that.


I went home that day and searched extensively for something like it and found the selection for RPG on the Alexa poor at best and decided to fix that problem myself. You have to understand that I am programmer by trade and this sort of thing coupled with my love for role-playing games was right up my alley. Two years later with quite a bit of blood, sweat, and tears, I finally feel like I have an Alexa skill that is as good as Dungeon Adventure and fixes that problem of an ending. My game never ends. Some of my players now clock over a thousand hours in game.


One of the next things I want to do is get a crypto token working with the game. Our first attempt has not gotten off the ground because we went with an Etherium token and the gas fees are daunting. We also need to figure out a way to connect the amazon user to a wallet. So it is a dream at best at this time but we will keep working to figure something out. The basic idea of playing a RPG to get in game currency which, is the only way to obtain (read farm) a token will someday be a reality.

Check it out if you think an Alexa RPG would interest you:

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