Alcoholism - there is always a way to get out

When is it too much?

Approximately 10 percent of the German operate what is known as a "risky consumption". Chronic alcohol consumption leads to frequent infections, reduction of muscle mass and increased sweating. The liver function is disturbed, but also many other diseases are the result of alcohol consumption, these include gastrointestinal disorders, osteoporosis, increased risk of cancer and impotence. Alcohol is drunk, in order to improve mood, but in the long run worsens the mood-maker the mood. Sometimes it comes to depression, anxiety and aggression.

A low point is reached when it comes to loss of control. The affected person and doesn't want to quit or reduce. At the same time, habituation, one needs more and more alcohol to get the same effect to notice. Restriction of consumption when it comes to withdrawal symptoms. While it was previously assumed that addiction is rooted in will and weakness of character, we know better today: Addiction is a disease.
How is the dependence?

There is always a wide range of causes, physical, psychological and social reasons. One is never from today to tomorrow, it is a slow creeping process. The dose is gradually increased, as acclimatization occurs. The drug is pleasant. Stunned alcohol problems and improves the mood at a party. At some point, however, proposes that: you can use the drug no longer for the positive properties, but also to avoid the negative consequences, if one omits it.

The creeping process ensures that the affected the feeling for the problems of his own situation does not perceive. It displaces the problem. In spite of everything revolves around the drug. Pulling back and hides his habits in front of the other people. With increasing duration of addiction to wither the strengths of the people. You do not trust more on itself, but only on the drugs. When it comes to any neglect of important areas of life.

Unfortunately, friends and family members often do not help, we speak here of CODEPENDENCE. Members hide bottles or dilute the drugs. They cover the dependency, the responsibility for the person.
How is the addictive memory?

The memory is activated by a stimulus Addiction Addiction. There are, in principle, be sufficient, an advertisement to see where someone consumed alcohol. The activated leads to addiction addiction memory pressure. You want to have the addictive substance. It can even cause withdrawal symptoms may occur if the addiction memory is activated. In the brain, the perceived situation with the expected effects of alcohol are inseparably connected. The brain has learned something, and this is done unconsciously. It is therefore dependent not always aware of the situation has triggered the addictive pressure now. The place, time or feelings can be attached to the alcohol or drug recall and the trigger printing.

Sometimes, the pressure is so strong that the alcohol addiction sick person can not resist, so it comes to relapse. It is therefore of crucial importance, seeks to avoid the pressure itself. Shunning the old environment and the ability to change the habits are.
The way out of the depending on

how can you escape this intensive mechanisms, if you once? Who has overcome the disease, mature and life is often more efficient than normal people. Because you have to have a lot of learning, in order to avoid the relapse. The addiction memory can be changed and softened, but never fully deleted. It is fast reaktivierbar, even after decades! Nevertheless increases with the length of the abstinent time also the chance that you are no longer in the old patterns of use device.


When should you get off? You don't have to wait until one is in the gutter! As soon as the knowledge and the will to change, you should go. The sooner, the easier it is. You will need to not be ashamed, seek professional help. Go to a counselling center or talk to your family doctor. The addiction is a disease, which is very difficult to get rid of behind closed doors. The contact to other is important and useful for the recovery. During the physical withdrawal lasts only a few days (some people have even no withdrawal symptoms), means that the abstinence is a life-long learning process - from the man but can emerge strengthened.

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