Delhi's Air - Impacting the life of Millions

Delhi- A place where people from different regions come to make there dreams come true, is cursed with an inevitable evil named Particulate Matter in Air. These are so small particle that they could penetrate into your lungs and then into bloodstream easily and one could expect what would be the consequences!! These particles originate particularly form combustion of fossil fuels.
The intersting part of this situation is, half of the people here don't even know what those PM particles are!. I read an article a few days back in The Hindu which mentions that out of 10 delhiites, 8 people don't know what AQI(Air Quality Index) is? Human Beings are very complex structures. We are so busy in our lifestyle that we are neglecting the disastrous effects on ourselves due to this gas chamber in which we are living. Masks are available in the market but only a few bothers about it.
A recent news of Bangkok not much ahead of Delhi in respect to pollution stated as-
"Bangkok citizens cough up BLOOD as city is blanketed in thick smog". If this is not an Alarming Situation, then what is?
If we are not concerned about it, why would the government would do anything and we can't complain about it either.
There are technologies like Artificial Rain or Air purifiers that Government can opt for to counter this issue. In the coming winters, if proper and efficient steps are not taken, the lifetime expectancy rate would reduce to mere 50 years or even less.

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