Pray For Mother


And when you want something, the universe conspire in helping you to achieve it "
A simple sentence from Paulo Coelho. But it can be a giant whip for some who can crush the words well. How fortunate they are to be born from the family with all the perfection and material sufficiency. It is inversely proportional to my state of being born into a poor family, with all the difficulties and shortcomings of each day. Even so, be thankful I get parents who are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of realizing my dream. My dad only works as a handyman. Whatever he will do to cite rupiah for rupiah to pay for my schooling. While my mother was not working, the physical condition that decreased due to breast tumor disease that suffered to make my mother not strong if you have to join the drudge. Miris is often felt by me when I see my mother feeling the pain that I am sure of it. Actually, my mother had undergone surgical removal of a breast tumor, but that was a long time ago. The operation was successful, the tumor could be removed and removed from my mother's body. However, the tub roots back, the pain occasionally attacks my mother, and more and more often lately. Do not break my prayers every day, pleading healing for the illness he suffered. Which child can bear to see his mother, paradise, sickly.

I was only nine years old when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school in the village where I was from. The only school there is, with a modest teaching staff as well. However, it is enough to be a stepping stone for students who want to change their family's destiny. Since childhood I've been taught not to follow the path of parents. My father, especially, always reminded me of one thing.
"Live in your own way, never want to aspire to be like your father. Stand up, look at the world. Fly as high and lift your father to your mother high. "
That's how my father always says interrupted his work break. My father willing to be covered with sweat, sunblocked, provided I did not drop out of school. He said he did not demand anything from me, he just wanted his son did not follow in his footsteps. And that's what spurred my spirit to keep learning and learning, without knowing fatigue and boredom. The desire to change the fate of both parents I made a stingray whish that awakened me when tired and bored it appears.

The last year in elementary school I went well, Alhamdulillah I got the second rank of students with the highest test scores in that school. Still, I am proud that at least I made it through the first stepping stone. And next year I'm ready to go to middle level. Even I went to school in the only junior high school in the district, I was still optimistic, and my determination to change the family was firmly planted.

A two-week school break, I'm preparing to enter a more knowledgeable environment. The first day is the student orientation period, the day I made the moment to find a friend who I believe will one day be useful to me. I'm not the kind of kid to get along, but the circumstances force me to get along or you'll get excommunicated.

Hey, I Ale. greetings know. "I said competed Sok familiar on a child man sitting while drinking water drinking." hendrawan dwiki adigung. just call Adi, or you have the name of another call me, please only. "he said so friendly, in fact I little surprised. section I new this time meet people so casually acquainted with others. salute I saw the child, I wish I could also sepercaya self him. our old talking, know each other. next day Adi -begitulah I decided to memanggilnya- be my best friends at once my best friend. period remajaku passed along age. age stepping on 16 since two weeks ago, and now I sit in the class 3 in one of high school in the city. I moved to the city and settled with my grandmother and some of her not the other is the sister of my mother. I am here to continue the school. in addition, the school in the city more guarantee keberhasilanku to be able to go to college that will be guided on employment more worth. at least that's my father said shortly after I tell my plan to continue high school in the city. I am very grateful born in family so sense to me. I remember one friend junior my first, he first child diligent. However, since the parents split, he changed 360 degrees. he began to skip school, become lazy, noisy with master already a habit. whether what happened to him now, i'm not so know. from there that appear motivasiku not will never intended to disappoint my parents already painstakingly looking for the money to finance the school. the first year in high school, not so bad. therefore, there are some people already familiar, they are my friends time in junior first. and now they are also sign up in high school my place this. but, I sedihkan, Adi not register here. and I also don't get news any where exactly it right now. I know, he after graduation directly moved to Lampung. he said want to continue the high school in there. today Tuesday, in silent I faint-faint hear female friends in my class say if today teacher no entrance. I hear is also the reason is because he was no events, such wedding? i'm not so hear. anyway, which clearly there hours empty today. so, I am so have time to complete a short story karanganku this. I start a hobby write since there is a novelist who came to my school days passing. he told me how an inspiration can appear, and how to move the hands of to pour the story to a sheet of paper. he also said that ..." Hey, the hell is tuh ?! "asked boy directly interesting paper there on my desk. boy, so he called. his real name Grace andika. nothing special from it. not. in addition to the bike, and from there that appear name boy in life. because of the Motor. capitalize Motor similar to owned artists on TV, he is become famous even called with the same name." Ohh .. NIH. "he added after seeing what content written in the paper and give it back to me." you hobby writing Yes ?. "she asked again." Yes. "I replied short." then why dont you kembangin ?. "its." I which has a computer or laptop, how do I I nyebarin to people ?. "I asked later. I saw him think a moment. then held up an index finger." I have an idea. I have a laptop, you can use whenever you want to !. "he exclaimed. I am a little surprised to hear it. I just silent don't say anything." why ?. "she asked to see what dreamy." Oh, UH, no. what not wrong tawaranmu it ?. "I asked still can't believe." why not. you are my friend. anyways, you also always good. you never refused when I ask for help. "he said. I remember the incidence of which he was talking about. ago, Ohh .. so this is the father, the good will sweet fruit in time. I understand now. thank you father. I feel very lucky. got a good friend, and always help when I middle in trouble." okay. tomorrow I take it laptop. and if you already have a story to posted. I will help you NGE-post let diliat a lot of people. "he said earnest. I am grateful to him, after all that he did today. meminjamkanku laptop, taught me create a blog, how to post the story in blogs, and find the blog and vacancies for authors beginners like me. I turned to the direction of the window, looked at the fore my future. will begun the short stories, and novel, and would I go on with a book. do'aku today, lancarkanlah path become famous Writer. Amen. the first week since the text of short stories first published. existing 30 readers. However, i'm sure within one month will be increased. now, my days preoccupied with wrote a new story. I don't melupakkan school, I just wrote dikala no spare time. until one when ..

Ale, see ya !!. "Exclaimed Boy from the door.
"What?" I replied briefly.
"Your name is included in 10 young creative writers of the DailyTeen version. Wow .. !! cool you Le. "Boy said.
I do not easily believe then look at Boy's handphone and true. My name is written there. Alexander Milo. Wow !! I'm great!!.

A week later, I sent my short story text to one of the publishers who were holding a race for novice writers. At first I was told by Boy, he said the rewards are tolerable. Hearing that, I got motivated and sent a script. Who knows I'm lucky. Deadline delivery is over, it's time for the announcement of the names of the short story copyright winners. I can only surrender to God, because he is the regulator of sustenance. If this is my way, I'm grateful. If it is not, I will try again elsewhere.
I was typing a sentence for the script of my latest short story, as Boy came in bowed face stepping toward me.

"What's happen? Why? "I asked curiously.
But he just shook his head. I'm getting more and more curious. Then he shows his handphone and screams.
"You win !! You win. The 2nd winner of DailyTeen Daily Shortcore Contest. "He said it startled me.
I was flabbergasted. Is it true? I win?. I do not know what to say. I can only thank God.
"Look at this!" He continued.
I read the writing on the phone. The 2nd winner gets the prize of Rp 250.000,00 and his work will be published.
"Wow! That's great! "I say gladly.
I've never been this happy before. From now on I will be more diligent again and continue to hone my skills in writing.

High school is my transition. I began to be known to many people because of my work that included in the top ten row in various publishers every week. I moved from class X to class XI and to class XII. Now I'm in my final year of school here. I began to write less often because I had to prepare myself for a national exam that would determine whether I would go to a higher level with a career that followed, or I would be stuck here and embarrassed my parents.

"Hey," said one of the schoolgirls, when he saw me pensive.
"What's wrong?" He asked later.
She's Leah. Elea Cantika. One of the girls at school. He greeted me first to make me feel bad if not answer his question. So, I just replied for it.
"No, I'm just afraid to imagine what I'm going to become."
Hearing the answer, I saw him join in the pensive. Stare blankly ahead.
"And when you want something, the universe conspire in helping you to achieve it." He said a moment later.
I cocked my head, and looked at him.
"Paulo Coelho." He reminded me. He seemed to notice that I had forgotten those words from whom.
"Uh, yes. Forgot. "I replied a little awkwardly.
Either because of my reaction or something. I saw him chuckle. And shut her mouth. Very beautiful. The status difference between us is enough to be my separator and my preschooler not to mess with the girl. Her parents have everything, and I do not. I must be self conscious. It always rings in my head when I start feeling my heart pounding with Leah.
"Hey, have you eaten yet?" He asked and without an answer from me he immediately dragged me to the canteen.

In silence and loneliness, I pictured the figure of my father and my mother who was either at work, which I'm sure could not stay at home. I always pray to God to give him health and cared for both my parents. Because I can not go back to the village yet I have to wait for exams and graduation. Maybe the holidays later, like school holidays years before, I always came home to meet my parents.

Tok .. tok .. tok ..
The sound of a knock on the door startled me. My uncle's voice came from outside the door.
"Le, have you eaten yet?" He asked from the outside without opening the door.
"Yes," I replied from the room.
No more my uncle's voice out there, apparently he's gone. I was re-dissolved in my daydreaming. The cool air coming into my room made me feel at home. I stood staring out the window for a moment, then lay my body on the mattress. Staring at the ceiling, I was asleep.

Today is Tuesday, June 14th. At least that's what's on my watch. I look at my dad's watch-it used to be when I was leaving for the city. I stood in front of my school gate. Now is the day of my decision. Will I continue to dream my dream or stop now.

"Now or never." I said to myself.
A moment later, there was a girl I knew once. Lea. He smiled at me.
"Hi, are you ready?" He said.
"For what?" I asked innocently.
"For today, we will graduate and get out of here as soon as possible." He said so eagerly.
However, there is so much doubt in me. The fear of school decisions was so deeply haunting my mind.
"I have no idea. What if I'm not ready? What if I can not accept the decision from school? And .. and what if I do not pass?! "I said and unknowingly my tone rose.
I see Lea just silent, I feel guilty.
"I'm sorry to yell at you." I said later.
"Yes. At least you have to be optimistic. "The answer comforts me.

We both went into school and the one we were headed for. Teacher's room. We walked over to see the list of students who graduated on the bulletin board next to the teachers' room.
IPA Group. No. Group IPS. This is it.
Leah and I looked at each of the names on the list. The list is random, starting from the name with the highest value. What I do not know is my name.
Adinda Putri, Suryati Rahma, Jogi Saut, Halimah Hassan, Grace Margaretha, Muhammad Aldhany, Elea Cantika. I stopped reading for a moment, then looked at the person beside me.
"Hey, congratulations." I say.
I saw him just smiling. I went back to the list. Back to read it silently.
Nabila Meisaputri, Muhammad Fauzan, Irfan Fathurrahman, Tea, Jihan, Athira, Zahid, Irfan Hadiansyah, Nurul Aini, huft .. I'm getting tired. But I keep reading the list, to the last order. I can not find my name. Deg! My heart stops throbbing. My blood seemed to stop flowing.
"Hey," said the girl standing right by my side.
I did not. Then, ..
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked then, as he tilted his head for my eyes.

I bowed, then sat down. My legs are numb. What is this?!. I do not, PASS ??. I want to scream. But, my body too weak, I began to limp. And, .. OFF.

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