
Astagfirullah, my heart is pounding great. My hands are shaking violently. My cold sweat started poking out from behind the pores. Is this what Kak Vienna hid this afternoon? In a place hidden in the corner of his desk. I accidentally peeped.

My brain twisted that afternoon. As Kak Vienna entered the room in a hurry. Slipped something in the corner of his desk. And received a call from whomever. What I must have heard my dear sister say 'you have responsibility' and the one I remembered 'should not fall'.

Kak Vienna ... sad. I lost her sholehah figure. Hypocrites think of me. But could it be like that?
I always feel lucky to have an older brother like him. Loving, patient, caring and smart. Many of my friends are jealous of our intimacy. But today it's all gone. The glass mask had broken. Buliran glass stuck pain in the liver. Pain betrayed hypocrisy.

Dhiya. Eat first yuk? "As usual Kak Vienna never forget to offer me a meal. Although sometimes already know I've preceded him to eat.
"Thanks, sister. I've eaten. "I replied as he left her alone. Though I usually accompany Kak Vienna to eat while listening to humming his story today. But not this time. Seeing Vienna is just lazy. Want to open a conversation about testpack my heart is not ready yet. Let me open if Vienna is looking for him. Because of the striped testpack I've been taking quietly.

Mother father. What if they both know, his beloved daughter is sholehah pregnant out of wedlock. Either with whom the man who managed to wriggle his heart. Until Kak Vienna forgot never bertausiyah about the dangers of adultery. Sin of adultery. Ah ... all theories turned out.

"Dear Allah. Where ya? "Looked Kak Vienna looking for something in the corner of his desk. Ticking back and forth. Opened his bag, his wallet, his pocket. Still have not found the item searched.
Of course I will not find it. Because I've taken it quietly.
Oh God, it seems like this is the right time to unpack everything. O God ... strengthen the servant. Accept this fact. Solve this problem. Bismillah ...

"What's Vienna sari looking at?"
"Emm ... not papa dik. Eh yes it's nothing. "He said rather nervously. Hmmm ... apparently still hides too. Feels sad.
"Need to help Dhiya?" Pretend I offer help.
"I do not have to, Dik. Thank you. "He said as he continued to search for the tiny item. I watched him through the door. It's almost half an hour old brother still confused looking for him.

I walked over to him. I handed him a small item like that stick. Instantly Vienna's nervous, looking at me incredulously. My tears are unstoppable. Shed unimpeded. Embracing my sister crying sobbing.
Kak Wina resigned. Kak Vienna replied hug me. Caressing my head. But Kak Vienna is tough. No tears came out.

"Sister. How could this happen? I can not believe this. I really love my sister. Brother always advised me. But why exactly is a brother who betrays? "My crying began to subside after a long sobbing on her shoulder. My emotions are starting to get under control.
"Betraying how, dear? You do not understand what you mean? "His tone was flat, innocent. And I've been caught by me. But still cover it.
"Sis, why do you cover all this? Are not we always open in every way? Be honest, brother. We all face this together. I will help my sister face this difficult time. I will still accept brother no matter what the circumstances. I want to be honest and to admit. "My gaze was pitiful. Hope my brother trust me. And say what it is.
"Dhiya, my brother is still confused. What do you mean by Dhiya? "My hand held out the little striped item.
"Is that what your sister was looking for? It's got an older brother, right? "My hands trembled holding the evidence.
"Yeah, that's what you're looking for. And it does have a sister. "My heart stops as if to stop rustling. Though I hope this testpack is not a brother.
"Pregnant sister?" I said with tears in my eyes.
"Dad. Listen to the sister's explanation first. Do not get me wrong. It does have a sister. Brother who bought herself. But that does not mean the sister is pregnant. "
"Sister, everyone also knows that the second line testpack means positive pregnancy. But why did my brother still swerve it? Last night Dhiya also heard a sister phone with someone. And sister could say the word ask for responsibility and should not fall. "Kak Vienna paused for a moment. It seems that Vienna is remembering something. Then she smiled sweetly as usual.

My dear sister, listen to my sister's explanation. First, it is true that this testpack has a brother, but sister is not pregnant. Well the two line from where? The second line was because the sister asked Tante Silmi who was pregnant to wear it. So that appears two positive lines. What is the purpose? The goal is to support the device in a short film project that my brother made with friends. Incidentally the theme about the dangers of adultery. Second about responsibility ", Vienna's brother seemed to laugh quietly, sigh and continue his explanation.
"A brother's friend who has been given an editing job suddenly objected. So the sister says 'you have responsibility'. Responsibility for editing process. And should not fall mean not to fall into this film project. If the editing is delayed is not timely that the submission of the film late will be considered dead by the committee. Hihihi ... not a sister asks people to take responsibility for sister's pregnancy and should not abort the fetus. "
Take turns I'm bowed embarrassed. Shame has been prejudiced. Embarrassed secretly peeking and taking people's stuff without permission. And ashamed to listen to the phone sister quietly.

"Still suspicious the same brother?" Asked my brother interrupted my daydreaming. I looked into my sister's eyes. Again I found the lake of coolness. I shook my head slowly.
"I'm sorry Dhiya, sister. Dhiya's prejudice is too far. Dhiya just does not want to lose brother. "
"Yeah brother know. Thanks also for worry Dhiya. God willing, we are open to each other. "We smiled together. A friendship smile brothers who care for each other and love. In my heart I am grateful that my prejudice is wrong. I did not lose my sister alone. Alhamdulillah yes Robb ...

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