
It's been a while since I have posted anything on here mainly because I have been busy Investing/Trading & running my twitter and other social media account's but today as the markets are going through a correction I thought I would share how I've made literally thousands just by signing up to free airdrops...

I started applying for airdrops back in September 2017 & have since had about 60-70 airdrops dropped to my wallet, some have indeed been shitcoins that'll never go anywhere but I have also had some stonking drops that have made me a lot of cash for free, some of which I have sold out once they pumped to put back into more solid coins & others still I'm still hodl'n. (depends on the quality of the project)

The (free) gains to be made from this has been a major part of expanding my portfolio without having to invest too much hard cash & in this blog I am going to take you through step by step how to get started.

So to get started you will need to set up your social media platforms to promote the airdrops & start up projects who are doing the airdrops. For this you will need:


A crypto twitter page (any twitter page will do but I'm sure you don't want to spam all the followers on your normal twitter page) so for this I started a twitter airdrop page you can find here:

To get your followers up quick (as some airdrops require a minimum amount of followers) you can follow any pages to do with crypto with #followback in the description of the page. This will gain you followers quickly & once you have a few hundred followers it will begin to snowball naturally. Also follow other airdrop pages for any that you may miss.


You can sign up for a bitcointalk account here:

Bitcointalk is one of the biggest forums on cryptocurrency & is a hive of information so it's a good place to see what is happening in the crypto world & talk with other crypto enthusiasts. A lot of airdrops will require your BCT (bitcointalk) username & a link to your profile. But you will have to gain reputation by posting on the site to move up the ranks of the users, the more you use BCT the higher your rank will become & more quality airdrops will become available.

When an airdrop asks for your profile link just click on the profile option in the tabs & then click summery below & your profile link will be in the web address bar, just copy & paste this.



You can make yourself a Telegram account here: Also available to download on Apple & Android.

Telegram is fast becoming one of the most widely use messaging app's & is by far the most used within the cryptosphere. Most but not all airdrops will require you to join their telegram channel to be an active community member but it will also enable you to keep up to date on what is happening with the progress of the airdrops & to talk with others about the advancement of the project that has made the airdrop. There are also some airdrops that are Telegram exclusive so keep an eye out for these.


You can start a facebook page but not many airdrops will require this & facebook is probably the worst place to find out info on crypto so I have avoided this.


You can sign up here:

Also check out Airdropmobs here:

These are great sites which lists all current, finished & future airdrops so it's a great source to find the current running airdrops so sign up to their alerts check each day for new one's.


This is probably the most important part because there are a lot of scammers out there...

Create a new email address specifically for your airdrops because most airdrops will require an email address.

Create a new MyEtherWallet to receive your airdropped tokens or if you use a ledger/trezzor then use one of the ETH addresses that you do not currently use. Also WAVES & NEO wallets for some but not many airdrops.

Beware of any airdrop that asks you to make a donation most of these are scams & if it won't let you submit the form without putting in a TX HASH scrap it or just write 'NONE' in the box. Airdrops have become popular so as with anything scammers have also become rife.


This should be a given but you would be surprised how many people have been scammed this way. With the cryptocurrency market growing so fast & with so many new people entering the space with little very knowledge it can be an easy mistake to make, just be vigilant.


I know a lot of us use the same passwords for our internet activity because it's a ball ache to remember them all for each individual site/email/signups but whatever you do try not to do this. Create a new different password for each site, if you struggle to remember these than create a word document with the site addresses & passwords and store that on a USB stick (NOT ON YOUR PC/LAPTOP) then you can just plug in your USB when needed to retrieve the password required.

There are different types of airdrops which I have listed below:


With these they will typically ask you to join their Twitter & Telegram groups & to retweet about the prjoect or the airdrop & ask you to post the links on the form for them to check along with your twitter handle/profile page, telegram username, email address & ETH wallet address (THIS IS YOUR PUBLIC ADDRESS i.e 0x7819d6588e4605ef567B4b3b118e4f16Fc2A362F) DO NOT PUT IN ANY PRIVATE KEYS OR SENSITIVE INFO.


With the market booming at the moment (though we are having a correction) ICO's have been coming out in their droves & in order to get a community behind the coins they will do an airdrop before the ICO stage to gain free marketing from people joining & sharing across their social media accounts. By doing this many ICO's will have a community shilling their coin before the ICO starts. Some will require you to sign up for the early access on their ICO web page & your coins will be held on the sites dashboard until the ICO has finished which is when you can claim them. Either bookmark these pages so you don't lose track of what you've signed up for or make a spreadsheet on which ICO airdrops you have participated in.


With the bounty airdrops you will get paid in whichever crypto it is for basically shilling the coin & project. Some will be social media bounties for tweets, facebook shares, youtube vids etc.. Some will be for translating their whitepaper into different languages, some will be for writing about it in your blog. This can be a great way to earn if you have plenty of social media followers or speak multiple languages.


This is basically what it says on the tin... With the referral air drops which most ICO airdrops also have you will get a unique referral link to post or give to others to also join the airdrop/ICO & get paid in said coin for each person you refer.
NOTE: A lot of facebook groups don't allow referral links & people don't really like the constant spamming of referral links & it may lose you followers bare this in mind. Also If an ICO is not worth investing in or you suspect it might be a scam stay well clear & don't give them a chance to rip people off by plugging their ICO for a few shitcoins that will never amount to anything.

There will be airdrops on multiple blockchains so set your self up a WAVES, ETH, NEO wallet specifically for airdrops...

Well that's it, instead of watching the charts & checking your portfolio every 2 seconds in this shit storm we're going through why not start adding to it for free...

Good Luck & Happy Airdrop Hunting :)

While your here why not join my twitter pages:

P.S Please Follow, Resteem, Upvote & Share so others can also gain :)

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