Airdrop-ERC20 Glad $10 Value

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1 GLAD = ~$0.11 = 0.00001500 BTC (After ICO)

Referals = 15 tokens each ($1.65)

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Minimize advertising expenses with GLAD token by eliminating the middlemen from online advertising process

GLAD is a Cryptonote structured coin that will be utilized in GLAD platform for Online Advertising. We are now developing a native, distributed advertising platform based upon blockchain. GLAD provides to buyer and seller side advanced Distributed DSP, SSP and DMP platforms that can work on all devices.

As technology developed, like all habits; the techniques of digital advertising revolutionized in terms of displaying, selling and purchasing. Advertisers investigated the new capabilities and advantages of Digital Platforms and continues to be shifting from traditional to digital as they experience the advantages of the new advertising era.

With full-stack Distributed DSP platform GLAD do not address just advertisers instead it addresses all of the buyer side for example media agencies and trade desks and do not exclude them in programmatic advertising circle. We have been building a full-stack Distributed DSP platform for all buyers so they can get their unique advanced Distributed DSP and reach millions of publishers directly.

GLAD provides full-stack Distributed SSP platform to publishers and ad networks to handle their inventories and achieve optimum revenue from their ad spaces. Publishers who has high traffic and ad networks can get their own Distributed SSP platform with full transparency to monitor performance of their inventory

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